I have sold my house, and am now revealing my 10-year homesteading plan towards my dreamhouse and retirement.Updated 23 days ago
Decor + Design + Art and Finishings:
Well House:
- Firstly, I plan to build a small well house, well pump, filtration, etc. (Pic)
- 100sqft (8'x 12.5')@ 4" Thick Slab=33cuft (1.2cubic yard)
- CinderBlocks, Bolt-ion concrete anchors
- Electrical: Car Charger(30-40Amp), Well Pump(240V @40A), 4-20A plugs, 200Amp to House.
- Write down Model Number, Amps, Date of Install, Depth, Owners Manual, Well Log.
- Floor Drain
- Run Water line to high ground incase of issues, need 300G Cistern
- Get Well in Place, Collect Sample, and Take to MBLabs - Sidney
Then ask rommel@vanislewater.com to get filters+Treatment you need - No Rubber Torque Arrestor Needed
- Van Isle Water Parts
- Place on foot at bottom of well.
- Hole/Hatch in Wall for Pipe
- Tape wire every 10 ft.
- Tylon Tape between each connection
- Run a 1.5 inch line water. Another for Poper, A Third for internet, Cable, etc. BELOW the frost line!
- Annually Check Pressure. + Water Test Kit(Bacteria, Iron, Pesticides, Nitrates+nitrites, Hardness, Lead, PH, Cholorine, Copper)
- Check Tank PSI = 38
- Shutoff Valves
- Sediment Filter
- Confirm where everything hooks up.
- Handle.
- Foot under pump?.
- Permits
- Check Valve is in pump
- Warning Light on Roof?
- Find Wire Jacketed Submersible Pump 12/4 under $2.84
- Find 2" PVC Pipe (10@ under 4.59/ft)
- Find Rope-braided(160@ under 0.90/ft)
Well Notes:
- Well Elevation 1234ft
- Registration # WD15052001
- Tag 66900 (Confirmed visually by Adam)
- No. W165472
- PID 030-8380878
- Depth 120ft
- Air Lifting @ 4GPM @ 25ft
- Air Lifting @ 6GPM @ 150ft
- Drilled Dec 8, 2021