

My Digital Portfolio, Work History, Resume, Coding Samples, Testimonials, etc.Updated 10 months ago
Adam Withers

Career Objective

To undertake a mix of software/web development, programming, and system administration roles, while working on high-quality professional systems and projects.


  • 15 years experience in development of large Web Applications, specifically Content Management Systems.
  • Highly specialized with LAMP Technologies (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
  • Able to work independently, cooperatively, and productively with peers, management, and clients on- or off-site.
  • Trained in utilizing database resources and server management in a variety of operating environments and server-side languages.
  • Extensive experience and very adaptive to learning new programming languages & environments.


Computer Systems Technology Program

(September 1999 - May 2003)

Associates Degree - Camosun College (Interurban Campus) Victoria, BC

Skills obtained:

Beginners Java Advanced Java Visual Basic Cobol/Pascal Multimedia
Technical Writing Matrix Algebra Small Business Computer Concepts Project Management
Logic/Probability Math Software Engineering MASM/CHASM 3D Graphics Design Network Programming
C/C++ Linux Perl HTML MySQL

Professional Organizations

Independent Collaborative BC Citizen Open Data Community
Victoria Hackathons
Using Science & Technology to improve Life in Victoria.

Web Design Experience

AJAX / JSON Credit Card Processing Remote Databases
Security Implementation Debugging & Testing Session Tracking
Extensive Client-side Scripts Dynamic Forms,
Charts & Graphs
Affiliate Marketing

Programming Experience

PHP Java / JavaScript Microsoft Access
(MS/My/Postgres)SQL Visual Basic (.Net) Cold Fusion
Java Server Pages (JSP) XML / CSS / DHTML ASP
CGI / Perl Python / C / C++ AppleScript

Work Experience

(Most-recent to least-Recent)

Various Development Projects May 2012 - Sept 2013
Contracts positions with: Neverblue.com; WonderWorksVictoria.com; WestHillsGreenClean.com; PricebookServices.com; JobJar.ca

Electric Edge Systems Group September 2011 - April 2012
Under contract for Department of Fisheries and Oceans, I developed on-board catch-tracking systems incorporating locally synced databases and GPS tracking.

Stormtide Digital Studios November 2010 - May 2011
Upgraded fifteen major e-commerce sites to PHP 5 using their extensively-customized Zend framework.

MK2 Business Solutions February 2009 - September 2010
Developed file-based Content Management Systems, SEO Tools, and other PHP projects.

Schneider Electric August 2006 - August 2008
Onyx Database Analysis, Python Development, Configuration Management, Technical Support & Workstation Build Automation.

Convergent Media Network December 2005 - August 2006
.Net Development, as well as automated SQL importation procedures, credit card billing gateways, IP/DNS Blocking Routines, sophisticated batch e-mailers, label printing, Crystal Reports, and client support.

Price Book Services February 2005 - November 2005
Contract position overhauling and upgrading existing web database system for a business-to-business supply service, including dynamic catalog creation, order submission services, and MS Access synchronization.

Green Party of British Columbia October 2004 - February 2005
Contracted for Web design & server maintenance for electoral candidate's website.

Navas Multimedia July 2004 - December 2008
Various contracts, creating web applications for credit card acceptance and dynamic database presentation.

Stormtide Digital Studios April 2003 - May 2004
Scripting PHP Applications for Database Integration and credit card processing.

Ministry of Advanced Education October 2002 - April 2003
9 month Co-Op work term, creating MS Access and web databases for Technical Skills Training program, and providing a wide range of software and hardware support.

Vancouver Island Health Authority June 2002 - October 2002
Co-op work term, creating PHP web applications, and Content Management systems.

BC Community Networks Association September 2001 - December 2001
Co-op work term, designing a 400 page "History of BC" website for Industry Canada.

Professional References:

Kevin McArthur, Director and CEO
Stormtide Digital Studios Inc.
Matthew Chitty, Owner
MK2 Business Solutions

Character Reference:

Angela Dunphy, Dispatcher
Victoria Police Dept.
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