
Dynamic Info from our Partners

To stay current, AdamWithers.ca pulls Dynamic Data from many different major websites.Updated 11 months ago

Sites such as:

It ties to Wikipedia to dynamically Images, when provided with a Name:

It ties to IMDB to dynamically pull Movie Posters, when provided with a Movie Title [Date Optional]:

It ties to Google Street View to dynamically pull Images, when provided a street address:

It ties to YouTube to dynamically pull Videos, when provided an 11 digit YouTube Code:

It ties to Facebook to add Like & Share Buttons to poll your friends:

It ties to Yahoo Finance to dynamically pull the value of a stock portfolio, when provided a List of Stocks:

It ties to Google to dynamically pull current exchange rates, when Provided 2 currency codes:

It creates Collages of Pictures (and Image Map) in order to reduce load times, when provided a directory:

It sucks data from OurWorldInData.Org to show statistics

It indexes its Font Folder to show browser compatibility

It ties to various sites to dynamically pull Meta Data + Images from most websites, when provided with a URL:

