'47169.0''38.0''''0.0' Coronavirus -- AdamWithers.ca [@messageCenter]


Everything CoronaUpdated 11 months ago

Latest Numbers (2024-08-14):

Canada USA World
Infected: 4,819,055+38103,436,829+0775,866,783+47,169
Deaths: 55,282+01,193,165+6197,057,132+815

Most important:

Once this is over, Personally:

  • Travel
  • Music Festivals
  • Pub Crawl
  • Invest
  • Thank those who got us through this

Once this is over Big Picture:

  • Stop shaking hands, Forever!
  • Vote to support Disease Prevention Research.
  • Learn to listen to Science!.
  • New Holiday: Pandemic-Day: Appreciate your life + health!
  • End "wet markets" common in Asia.
  • Massive, international, transparent screening protocols to prevent "second waves".
  • No more cruise ships!


  • I took a ton of time to provide links for all the information on here. Take the time to click it before arguing.

Perspective. There is No Precedent:

  • Last / Only Time air travel was shut down to this rate was 9/11/2001.
  • SARS: Contagious 6 days AFTER symptoms --
  • COVID19: Contagious for 7 days BEFORE symptoms
  • Stock Market: worst day since 1929
  • Disneyland closed indefinitely.
  • All International travel stopped.
  • No Gatherings over 250.

Coronavirus can remain viable:

  • in the air for up to 3 hours,
  • on copper for up to 4 hours,
  • on cardboard up to 24 hours and
  • on plastic + stainless steel up to 2 to 3 days

Those who Warned us:

If I were in charge. All of our current Covid procedures, PLUS:

  • All weddings, funerals, and religious services are online-only
  • Mandatory masks for everyone (something is better than nothing)
  • Thorough Screenings at all ferries, airports and border crossings
  • $5000 fines for breaking a doctor/travel ordered quarantine.
  • $5000 fines for gatherings over 10.
  • Ask everyone to produce their own food if possible. (Victory gardens of WWII)
  • Everyday, every citizen must have their temperature checked, and report it somewhere.
  • Every home, when possible, should have a quarantining-room/trailer/shed/area prepared in the event anyone is suspected to be infected.

The only ways out of this:

  • (Natural) Herd immunity. *Assuming it can be achieved at all), and at the cost 20-60 million dead, and lasting no one knows how long.
  • A vaccine. (Assuming it can be made it all), and if so it is at least a 18 months away.
  • Elimination of the virus, in geographies then SEAL their borders.
  • The virus gradually loses its most harmful effects on the human body, and evolves into something like an old-fashioned cold.

What we should do as the curve drops:

  • Keep the social distancing!
  • Keep the borders tight
  • Get at LEAST 50M Tests ready, on standby
  • Keep flights + travel at a strict minimum.
  • Demand people to wear masks when sick or worried they may be sick.
  • Masks are mandatory in care homes, hospitals, etc.
  • Government-enforcement of quarantine for travelers / newly recovered.
  • Keep pushing employers to allow working from home whenever possible.
  • Return hospitals to near-normal, allowing elective surgeries, BUT warn them at the drop of a hat they could be cancelled again.
  • Online learning for high school + college students part-time.
  • Get people back to work is a smart, safe manner.
  • Keep all businesses + events of over 50 closed until there is a vaccine.

If you get COVID-19, are healthy, and under 50, you can expect / hope-for:

  • 14 days of suffering (if you're lucky)
  • 14 more days Quarantine

Therefore, You should prepare a place immediately for you (or a family member) to be locked away for 28 days minimum:

  • Food+Water (recommend Soups)
  • A separate Washroom
  • Medication. Gravol, Tylenol, etc. NOT ADVIL!!!
  • Healthy Foods. Vegetables!
  • Comfort Foods, and a variety of to Keep your Sanity.
  • Entertainment (Binge-watching is your best friend)
  • An Ability to Contact the Hospital, and friends.
  • A SEALED Quarantined area separate from EVERY other person. You won't be leaving for 28 days!
  • Ability for friends to drop off forgotten/exhausted supplies

If you are lucky, you should only experience:

  • Weight Lost 15-30lbs
  • Sweats
  • Headaches
  • Blurry Vision
  • Fevers that prevent Sleep
  • Possible Hallucinations

During that time:

  • Don't be passive!
  • Wait it out.
  • A mild fever is normal. That is your body fighting the virus.
  • Do Breathing Exercises
  • Eat Chicken Soup.
  • Stretch+Move, no matter how much it hurts.
  • Encourage a Friend to come by to have regular conversations safely through a window.
  • Web-conference with others.

Coronavirus Conspiracies:

  • Bill Gates is making the vaccine, so he can put tiny tracking devices in us.
  • All the worlds governments are covering up the actual death rate.
  • Death-toll is way over-reported because all deaths are being reported.
  • Numerology="C,0,R,O,N,A = 3+15+18+15+14+1=66
  • Government is keeping us apart & worshiping so the satanist liberals can sell our democracy to the communists.
  • Masks / PPE won't help prevent you from getting the Corona.
  • Patient Zero is Sgt. 1st Class Maatje Benassi.
  • Hospitals get paid $6k-13k per ventilator-patient.
  • Double counting returning patients.
  • Corona less likely in Smokers.
  • Corona is prevented by Microwaving your mail.
  • Corona is caused by GMOs, 5G, cancer AND mind control.
  • Corona is just a natural mutation of the flu.
  • Corona was released to hide the fact that 5G was making people sick.
  • Corona was released to cull the elderly.
  • Corona was released by Disney to push Disney+.
  • Corona was created by BigPharma to sell treatments & vaccine.
  • Corona was created by owners of single serving manufacturing plants. Now business is booming.
  • Corona was created in a lab as a weapon, by someone, from a secret country, that doesn't have Corona.
  • Corona was created in a US lab and US military brought it intentionally to China.
  • Corona is cured by Breast-milk.
  • Corona is cured with Vitamins (Shiva Ayyadurai).
  • Corona is cured with hydroxychloroquine.
  • Corona is cured with Zinc(lozenges).
  • Corona is cured with Vitamin C.
  • Corona is cured with oil of oregano, garlic oil, raw garlic, tea tree oil, theives oil, or coconut oil.
  • Corona is prevented by shaving off facial hair.
  • BigPharma is making it all up and Corona doesn't exist.
  • And the old favourites: QAnon, DeepState, ChemTrials, Lizard People, Satan.
  • Keeping everyone inside is simply a plan to secretly change the batteries in the surveillance birds.

Spaceship Me:

Spaceship You
This is my plan.
  • Sleep: Bed. 12am-9am.
  • Creation: Goldsteam plan, Garden, Sharon Deck+Stairs
  • Exercise: Yoga Mat. Outside Walks

Things we don't know about Covid-19:

  1. Can it hang in the air for hours like Measles--(in large-droplets: no; If aerosolized intentionally: yes;)
  2. What level of Viral concentration is required to infect?--(unsure)
  3. If you have the Antibodies (at a certain Level), are you immune? (Reinfections unlikely after exposure, likely immune)
  4. If you have the Antibodies (at a certain Level), are you contagious? (Contagion is dependent on viral load, not antibodies)
  5. What level of herd-immunity do we need to return to normal? (80-90%)
  6. How Effective are Covid tests? (very few false negatives and false positives even more rare)
  7. How Effective are Antibody tests?

Reasonable Covid Precautions:

  1. Wash your Hands.
  2. Sanitize when you cannot wash hands.
  3. Minimize Shopping Trips and duration.
  4. Avoid Touching Items shared by others.
  5. Avoid touching your face.
  6. Wear a mask when interacting with public.
  7. Quarantine yourself if having flu symptoms.
  8. Zero Public Gatherings.
  9. Maintain 6ft spacing.

Testing Rate (As or April 29th):

  • India: 48 / 100k people have been tested
  • South Korea:1,175 / 100k
  • USA: 1,740 / 100k
  • Canada: 2,018/ 100k

My Proposal for the USA Canadian Border:

  • Continue to Keep the border closed to all but essential workers.

In the Before-times:

I had structured my life 100% around socialization.
I only worked / slept when there were nobody to hang out with.
I would go from one social engagement, to the next, all day, every day, all year.
I didn't even EAT alone. like literally, not once, ever.
I used to go out for dinner 365 days / year.
Movies, bars, parks, parties, gyms, visit peoples houses, do projects/chores with them.
The only thing I did alone was sleep and work. And I chose when to based on other's availability.
I had hundreds of friends, now nobody is leaving the house EVER
I had sports (dodgeball, baseball, etc etc).

Why not use Antibody injections?:

  • Covid-killing Antibodies are created by a person who has successfully recovered from Covid.
  • Antibodies can be harvested, and injected into very-sick patients as a useful stop-gap. But this is NOT a long-term solution.
  • We have to continually inject the very-sick person with those antibodies as they recover.
  • What we need a vaccine that trains your OWN body to create these antibodies

Good Things about Covid:

  • All forms of Pollution Dropping
  • Oil is now worthless.
  • Many people will get to work from home more.
  • Global Conflict (War) has nearly stopped)

Masks Comparison:

  Good, Better, Best

Returning to Normal Stages:

Ordered by level of risk, benefit, and ability to be done safely: Phase A:
  • Complete Lock Down
  • Essential Services only
Phase B:
  • Limited Essential Shopping
  • Restaurants+Pubs takeout Only
Phase C:
  • Large parks with non-contact(no playgrounds)
  • Gatherings of 2-6
  • Less-Essential Shopping
  • No visitors to health care and assisted living facilities
  • Elective Surgeries
  • Doctors + Dentists
  • Online-License All Business-owners one to Safety Protocols. Similar to "Serving in Right"
  • Have Enforcement Personnel of Safety Protocols
  • Have 1-800 / Websites to Report Offenders.
  • Have Contact Tracing Personnel in place.
Phase D:
  • Restaurants+Pubs with strict, government-approved extreme social distancing
  • 1-day/week school
  • Gatherings of 20
  • Hotels @ 30% Capacity
Phase E:
  • International Flights
  • Restaurants+Pubs as normal
  • Malls
  • Barbers, Nails, Any Esthetics
Phase F:
  • Gatherings of 50
  • Team Sports (No audience)
Phase G:
  • Re-open Borders
Phase H:
  • Schools as Normal
Phase Z:
  • Film Industry. Cruise Ships. Resorts (Disneyland). Music Festivals. Concerts. Professional Sports
  • Reopen Health care and assisted living facilities
  • Ask everyone to check+report their temperature every day?
  • People at highest Risk:

    • Over 65
    • Immunocompromised
    • Obese
    • Smokers
    • Life-dependant medications.

    People at highest Risk:

    • Covid-Safe Night Club.
    • Personally 8 x 8 x 8 plexiglass box.
    • Positive air pressure to exterior.
    • Conveyor belt to delver drinks.
    • Pull a curtain to use the washroom.
    • Dance the night away.

    How I help:

    I keep offering medical-friends help (more than well wishes+Zoom company).
    But they don't want anyone in their house, to deliver food / supplies, or to potentially expose me by going for a walk.
    So I've:
    -Cut a few lawns,
    -Walked a few dogs
    But that's about it :(

    Organized Volunteering:

    I've contacted 3 police departments, food banks, and various large charities.
    -Most didn't respond
    -A Few wanted money-only.
    -One wanted me to transport covid patients to the hospital for tests.
    -One wanted me to comfort elderly people in care homes.
    I am a physical-able, motivated person, with a ton of time on his hands.
    I can definitely be put to better use that doesn't put me at the highest-risk of catching Covid!

    Covid PubCrawl:

  • Details
  • Pretend there is a vaccine. Who gets it first?:

    • The rich
    • The Military
    • A Lottery, based on birthdays

    The Good News:

    • This has been excellent for the planet!
    • Self Quarantining is very effective
    • Stocks will rebound eventually.
    • Government will pay you EI to self quarantine.
    • You can catch up on chores, etc.
    • We have instant access to important information
    • Sea Turtles


    • What is the point of touching someone when you meet them? To prove they aren't a ghost?
    • I've washed my hands more times then when I murdered that guy.
    • No matter what, once we recover from COVID19, Promise to vote to fund more Medical Research!.
    • Well, in a month, I will either be very-thankful I bought 6 months worth of food. Or I will be having massive pasta dinner parties.

    Mental Stages of Coronavirus:

    • Look at these morons over reacting
    • What can I invest in to profit off these idiots?
    • Oh crap, this is going to be bad. Sell Sell Sell.
    • Stock up on supplies.
    • Make a list of all the people you know that are a high-risk of death.
    • Quarantine Yourself while reading the news.
    • Fuck it, Prepare for the Orgy afterwards

    Supplies (one month worth):

    We shouldn't loose power, water, or internet, but I stocked up on:
    • Non perishable Food
    • Dog food+ Medication
    • Masks+ Gloves
    • Comfort foods
    • Medical supplies.
    • Building supplies to keep me busy
    • Gasoline
    • Cash
    • Batteries

    Tough Questions:

    • How secure is our FOOD supply?
    • How secure is our MEDICINE supply?
    • How can I help the most?.

    Dylan+Adam's Decontamination Box:

    • Eight 25 watt UV Ozone-creating bulbs (one for each corner),
    • In foil lined box
    • "Soak" all food in it for 1 to 5 minutes.


    • Ozone is poisonous to breathe
    • UV light bad for skin / eyes


    $25 25W Ozone Bulb

    MY Food Procedures:

    • Microwave 100% of my food. Except milk, veggies, beer, chips + coke
    • Wear a mask everywhere
    • No Gloves, wash / sanitize hands before+after each store.

    Essential Workers (in no particular order):

    • Medical Workers (Doctors, Nurses, etc)
    • Medical Scientists (working on treatments / cures).
    • Emergency workers (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
    • Truck Drivers
    • Pharmacy Workers
    • Grocery Workers
    • Security Services
    • Supply Line People (Pickers)
    • Farmers + Food Processors
    • Government Benefit Distribution
    • Prison Guards
    • Care Home Workers
    • Homeless Support
    • Garbage Pickup
    • Funeral Services
    • Infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Power, Communication)
    • Childcare workers of Essential Workers Only
    • Sanitation / Janitors for Essential Purposes Only
    • Transportation for Essential Workers Only (Buses)
    • Various other "Skeleton Crews" managing remote workers.
    All others can conduct their duties from home, as much as possible. Leaving briefly, for food+essential supplies.

    What is closed:

    •   Malls
    •   Movie Theatres
    •   Schools
    •   Borders
    •   Restaurants
    •   Gyms
    •   Buffets
    •   Bars
    •   Concerts
    •   Most Offices
    •   Late Shows
    •   Late Shows
    Buses. STILL fucking running!

    What are Canadians doing:

    • Self Quarantine. No Exposure
    • Self Quarantine. Likely-Exposure
    • Social Distancing.
    • Confirmed Covid-19 Infection
    • Likely Covid-19 Infection
    • Working from home.
    • Business as Usual

    Covid hexagon?:

    • Masks
    • Wash Hands
    • Essential travel only
    • Quarantine if symptoms
    • Social Distance.

    What will happen next?:

    Everything is shutting down. But it is helpful to prepare for what will happen NEXT:
    • Trash pickup Suspended.
    • Food shortages. Food Lines
    • Martial law. In Canada The "Emergency Measures Act"
    • A run on the banks
    • Civil Unrest / Riots
    • Crime / Break-ins
    • Prisoner releases
    • Drafting people to serve
    • Terrorism
    • War
    It can always get worse...

    Mask Policy:

    Not everyone needs masks if they do all of the following:
    • Don't have symptoms
    • Can effectively social-distance 99%+ of the time
    • Are in their family/household bubble
    • Don't work / live with at-risk persons
    • Are exercising alone (or in bubble)
    • Limit what they touch
    • Don't touch their face
    • Wash their hands frequently + correctly
    • Take other precautions, (sanitization, etc)
    If they are medically unable to wear a mask, wear a faceshield.
    The goal is to keep your (potential) virus in you.

    Higher (per capita) than any other province:

  • Source 1
  • Source 2
    • ProvCasesPopulationRate
      BC645,020,3021 in 78,442
      AB294,345,7371 in 149,853
      ON7914,446,5151 in 182,867
      MB41,360,3961 in 340,099
      QU178,433,3011 in 496,077
      SQ21,168,4231 in 584,212
      NB1776,8271 in 776,827

    Celebs Infected to COVID-2:


    Dwayne Johnson
    Fast&Furious, Jumanji

    Daniel Dae Kim
    Hawaii 5-0

    Idris Elba
    Hobbes+ Shaw

    Orlando Bloom
    Pirates of Caribean

    Tom Hanks
    Forrest Gump

    Kevin Hart
    Comedian, Jumanji

    Rita Wilson
    Now and Then: Chrissy

    Olga Kurylenko
    Bond Girl x3

    Tony Shalhoub
    Actor: Monk + MiB

    Indira Varma
    Game of Thrones

    Kristofer Hivju
    Game of Thrones

    Debi Mazar
    Actress Goodfellas: "Sandy"

    D.L. Hughley
    King of Comedy

    Lena Dunham
    HBOs: Girls

    Alyssa Milano
    Who's the Boss, Charmed

    Bryan Cranston
    Breaking Bad, Malcolm in Middle

    Antonio Banderas
    Desperado, Zorro, Shrek

    Zoey Deutch
    Actress: Zombieland2

    Roy Horn
    Siegfried & Roy

    Anna Camp
    Pitch Perfect

    Ali Fedotowsky
    The Bachelor

    Colton Underwood
    The Bachelor

    Janet Broderick
    Matthew Broderick's sister

    Emily Ratajkowski
    "Gone Girl" Mistress

    Mark Blum
    "Desperately Seeking Susan"

    Rachel Matthews
    Happy Death Day

    Allen Daviau
    E.T. the Extra Terrestrial

    Nick Cordero

    Jay Benedict
    Aliens, Dark Knight Rises

    Lee Fierro

    Andrew Jack
    Dialect Coach

    Harvey Weinstein
    Movie Producer, Prisoner

    Heidi Klum
    Super Model

    Chris Cuomo
    CNN Anchor

    Kaylee Hartung
    ABC News reporter

    Brooke Baldwin
    CNN Anchor

    George Stephanopoulos
    TV Host

    Andy Cohen
    US Radio & TV Host

    Jeff Shell
    CEO of NBC

    David Bryan
    Bon Jovi Keyboard

    Adam Schlesinger
    Fountains of Wayne

    John Taylor
    Duran Duran

    Charlotte Lawrence
    "Joke's On You" Singer

    Joe Diffie
    "John Deere Green"

    Manu Dibango
    Sax "Soul Makossa"

    Alan Merrill
    "I Love Rock N Roll"

    "So What"

    "Like a Virgin"

    Marianne Faithfull
    "As Tears Go By"

    Sophie Trudeau
    Canadian First Lady

    Albert II
    Prince of Monaco

    Charles George
    Prince of Wales

    Boris Johnson
    UK Prime Minister

    Nadine Dorries
    UK Health Minister

    Karl von Habsburg
    Austrian Archduke

    Begona Gomez
    Spain's First Lady

    Francis Suarez
    Miami Mayor

    Masoumeh Ebtekar
    Iranian Vice President

    Rand Paul
    US Presidential Candidate

    Herman Cain
    Presidential Candidate

    Kimberly Guilfoyle
    Donald Trump Jr. Girlfriend

    Patrick Ewing
    Former NBA player

    Sean Payton
    NFL Coach: New Orleans Saints

    Usain Bolt
    Sprinter Worlds Fastest Man






    2020 Snoopy

    2 Girls One Cup

    A R15






    Ant Man01

    Ant Man02

    Ant Man03

    Ant Man04

    Ant Man05

    Ant Man06

    Ant Man07

    Ant Man08

    Ant Man09

    Ant Man10

    Ant Man11

    Ant Man12

    Ant Man13

    Ant Man14

    Ant Man15

    Ant Man16

    Ant Man17

    Ant Man18

    Ant Man19

    Ant Man20

    Ant Man21

    Ant Man22

    Ant Man23

    Anti Vax

    Apocalypse Side Hustle

    Atheist Day

    Baby Yoda Tini

    Beer Pong


    Bored Txt


    Brought Back Polio



    Chuck Norris

    Cleaning The House


    Construction Workers



    Corporate Emails


    Cough Fart


    D U I Checkpoint

    Develop Feelings

    Dinosaur Economy




    Dogs Masks

    Dr House

    Drinking For A Month

    Drinking Or Cooking






    Every Bunny Was Kung Flu Fighting




    Finger Guns

    First Born Children


    Found Lady

    Free Mask

    Funding M Edical


    Gas Price Bald


    Golden Girls

    Grandma Can Die

    Grandpa Toilet Paper


    Grey Area



    Hands Alcohol



    Home Schooling

    Home Schooling2

    Homer Home Testing

    Hunter Gatherer

    Ignore Scientists

    Importance Graph




    Jurrasic Park





    Lazy Responsible



    M A G A

    Mad Max


    Mask Baby

    Mask Contraceptives

    Mask Kindness

    Mask Nose Lungs

    Mask Oxygen

    Mask Rights

    Mask Rights Drunk Driver

    Mask Rights Vader

    Mask Shoes

    Mask Sign

    Mask Underwear






    Masks5 G



    Masks Bondage

    Masks Costco

    Masks Over Beard



    Million Dollars

    Netflix And Chill

    Next Generation Uphill

    No One Listens

    No Vaccine For You

    Online Classroom


    Panick Buying


    Pole Arms


    Pope Easter



    Quarantine Party




    Sex For Food




    Sit On Couch

    Six Year Old

    Social Distancing

    Social Distancing Birds

    Stop Planning


    Suntanning During Quarantine

    Ticket To Stay Home

    Time Travel2

    Toilet Paper

    Toilet Paper2

    Tom Hanks

    Travel Plans



    Trump Boris

    Trump Kim John Un

    Trump Masks

    Trump Recap

    Trump Tape

    Trump Virus


    United States

    Universal Healthcare


    Wash Hands

    Working From Home

    Wrong Hole


    Misc Pics:

    Corona Advise Flu Rate

    Corona Advise Masks

    Corona Advise Masks Living In Fear

    Corona Advise Masks Petri

    Corona Advise Risk

    Corona Alberta

    Corona Antivas

    Corona Balls

    Corona Both My Shots

    Corona Die Of Polio

    Corona Dildo

    Corona Experts

    Corona Fully Vaccinated

    Corona Help Other

    Corona Horse

    Corona Hospital Protest

    Corona Hug

    Corona I Did My Own Research

    Corona Ivermectin

    Corona Last Words

    Corona Lifejacket Drowned

    Corona Listen To Doctors

    Corona Mask Casket

    Corona Mask Fear

    Corona Mask Right To Fly Through The Windshield

    Corona Mask Rights

    Corona Masks Funny2

    Corona Masks Makeup Problems

    Corona Not Safe

    Corona Over

    Corona Parents Expert

    Corona Poor Kids

    Corona Seatbelts

    Corona So Blessed

    Corona Titanic

    Corona Unvacinnated Geroge Takei

    Corona Vaccine

    Corona Vaccine3

    Corona Vaccine Test

    Corona Vacine Rates

    Coronavirus2020 Bath Bomb

    Coronavirus Adam biosuit P P P S

    Coronavirus Adam biosuit P P P S2

    Coronavirus Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Coronavirus Avalanche

    Coronavirus Backfire

    Coronavirus Canadian

    Coronavirus Doctor Super Hero

    Coronavirus Dr Bonnie95%

    Coronavirus Fighter

    Coronavirus Fortune

    Coronavirus Friends

    Coronavirus Friendship Circle

    Coronavirus Funny Kindergarden

    Coronavirus Funny Mask Baby

    Coronavirus Funny Masks

    Coronavirus Isolate

    Coronavirus Locking Up

    Coronavirus Masks

    Coronavirus Masks1

    Coronavirus Masks2

    Coronavirus Next One

    Coronavirus Personal Choice

    Coronavirus Places Ive Visited

    Coronavirus Pub Rules

    Coronavirus Reverse Quarantine

    Coronavirus Sacrifice

    Coronavirus Sex

    Coronavirus Shinning

    Coronavirus Shots Shots Shots Antibodies

    Coronavirus Sign For Americans

    Coronavirus Table

    Coronavirus This Guy Is The Reason

    Coronavirus Trends

    Coronavirus Unaware

    Coronavirus Unknown Dad

    Coronavirus Vaccine Nerds

    Coronavirus Weed Family Gathering

    Coronavirusdating In2021

    Coronavirusmasks Experts

    Covid Crossstich

    Covid Vaccine F D A

    Life Didnt Change


    Mortality By Country



    End Cruise Ships
    Bill Gates Warns us in 2015
    Wash your hands!
    Charts Explained
    Answers With Joe
    Vaccine Progress
    Next Great Depression
    How it Kills
    Vs Spanish Flu
    Decontaminate Groveies
    What it is like
    Covid vs Faceshield
    Covid vs Mask
    Wear a Mask
    Hospital in 10 Days
    Plandemic Debunked