Where I Stand
Where I Stand on Controversial Issues. I'd love to know where we differ.
But you better bring credible links and references.
But you better bring credible links and references.
Strongly FOR:
- Vaccinations
- Education Spending
- Rescue Animals
- Sustainablity
Stop Climate Change.
Electric Cars.
Green Technology Investments - Don't Baby Kids
Raise them with the freedom we enjoyed in the 1980/90's.
With some inclusion of the saftey we enjoy today - Less Military Spending / Action. **
Focus on Peacekeeping, and our international image.
Distance ourselves from the American War Machine. - Police Accountiblity.**
Body Cams
Transparent process
Help good cops get rid of bad cops. - Unions.**
But require processes to throw poor performers.
- Accepting Deserving Refugees **
With a reasonable amount of vetting.
- International Aid. **
Disease Fighting
Water Security
End Slavery - Hydro Electric Power. **
Such as the Site C Dam. WHEN it makes financial, and environmental sense.
- Gay Marriage / Rights
- Free Birth Control etc.
- Transparent + Accountability Politics
- Science Reseach.
- Legalize Some Drugs + Harm Deduction.
- Animals:
Strongly AGAINST:
- Donald Trump**
As he appears to be against everything on my list (above).
- Privatization**
Healthcare, Railroads, Ferries, Highways/Bridges,
- Fracking
- Creationism Teaching
Canada's Shamefull Past:
I am very proud of the overwhelming good Canada does, but we must acknowledge, remember, repair, admit wrong-doing and move forward.
I was shocked to learn how recently many of these were going on!
- 1939Jews sent back to Europe.
- OngoingCommercial Seal Hunt
- 1942-1943Japanese Enternment
- Until 2012!Export of Asbestos
- 1880-1996!Residential Schools
6000+ Students Died! 1 in 25!
On Religion:
I often get invited to church groups and other religious events. And attend many.And have prepared this response for future requests, in hopes of being kind, positive, and neutral--yet gets my point across.
I normally try to stay away from churches/religious events.
I love the community and togetherness, goodness, support, charity, excersize, sense of purpose, and passion.
Its the blind faith, and lack of logic I do best to avoid.
Too many religious people try to convert me, to which I reply super-politely, but when pressed (eventually) bring logic and science into it, and they sometimes upset.
But I have nothing against those who are religious and (only) obey the good parts, and are free thinkers.
I really enjoy meeting new people, hearing new points of view, learning new things, and having my mind changed through productive debate.
But religious people are very passionate about their belief, and you can't reason / debate them using facts.
I love to meet examples of non preachy, smart, religious-types who make up their own minds.
And I'd like to be an example of a kind atheist, who freely admits that religion has done a lot of good in the world.
But we needs to meet at the common-ground that:
- - Religion has also has done a lot of evil,
- - Many passages in holy books are evil & contradictory,
- - Blind (fact-less) faith and non-evolving ideas are very dangerous
- - I choose to do good to better humanity. Not for reward, to appease a god, or to avoid punishment.
Too Complicated a Position:
Read the Darn Caveats!!!
Are any of you pro-pipeline? I don't want to get into the debate. You've made up your mind.
But are you be willing to put *your* name down on some sort of permanent stone/plaque etc. showing your permanent support.Stating something like the following: I personally promise:
- - The financial reward outweighs the massive risks.
- - There will be very few leaks.
- - The government has effective plans in place to cleanup ANY sized disaster.
It might actually shut down the complaints, knowing that 1 million people have promised, and their name will be carved into stone for if shit goes south.
Would you declare it to the world?
Pipelines Safety Short Answers:
- -In General: Truck worse than train, worse than pipeline, worse than boat.
- -By amount of oil spilled:Truck worse than pipeline worse than rail worse than boat.
- -By Environmental Impact (aquatic habitat):Boat worse than pipeline worse than truck worse than rail.
- Source
I'd ask that we all:
- Strive Find Common Ground
- Donate Blood / Organs
- Volunteer
- Visit a Care Home
- Focus on your Health
- Learn to Manage your Money + Time
- Avoid Assumptions and Generalization
War / Veterans / Military:
I support veterans by very-rarely supporting war. I honor their sacrifice by making sure it was for a purpose.And although I support gradually reducing military spending , I am proud of Canada's Peace Keeping missions.
If we do send them into battle, give them the best equipment, training, and support when then return home.
If we do send them into battle, there must be accountability, oversight, scope-limit, and a clear exit strategy.
Until there isn't a square kilometer or clear cut in the province, they shouldn't be cutting down ANY old growth Forrest.Make them plant seedlings, and wait 25 years.
We'll all get rich, and we protect our forests!
Ideas I am unsure of(neutral) and would like to explore through constructive discussion:
- Oil Pipelines
- Bullying avoidance techniques that do not create victims, or result in more violence, yet solve the problem.
- Guaranteed Minimum Income