
That's So Gay

If there was ONE THING you can say I believe in, its the end of Bullying.Updated 4 years ago

Please be open/accepting/kind to everyone. I assume you are a decent person, so I shouldn't have to define what I mean by absolutely everyone. Lol.

  • I think its important to speak up for LGBT people, even if you are not. It shows them support, and it helps silence the bigots.
  • Homophobia is bullying and prejudice horribly combined.
  • I am very thankful that I was not born in a past generation where homophobia, racism and sexism were much more rampant.
  • I am glad I live in a Country / Province where people seem to be much more open minded, progressive and accepting.
  • How awful is it that there is a group so oppressed that we have to put out PSA's to try to stop them from killing themselves?

I use the term "That's So Gay" in a positive way, in order to "take the word back". To show the hurtfulness (and, if necessary, humiliate) those who use it with disdain.

My Message to a Bullied Teen:

As a child, I was extensively bullied nearly every single day of high school from Grade 8-11, and not just verbally.

The "Routine" stuff included taunting with awful names, having stuff vandalized, stolen or destroyed

As I was MUCH smaller, back then, the extremes went as far as: Having my pants pulled down, Physically "beaten-up" dozens of times, Bloody noses and scrapes, Countless bruises, Slammed into lockers, Pushed down the stairs, and had stuff thrown at me

My message to you is VERY important! It gets better!!! And almost the second you leave high school! I have COMPLETELY moved on with my life. Nearly forgetting about the bullying! Although I bet it will be a part of me forever. And only remember when I see a kid like me getting picked on!

Some of my biggest bullies in high school, are now casual acquaintances, and one or two are actually really good friends of mine now!

As a child, conformity is "cool", being different is "bad". As an Adult, uniqueness, personality, and exceptionalism are "cool".

Ask an adult how many times they have changed in their life. I bet you'll be surprised.

I was never able to prevent it, and I got over it. But Guess what? I'm going to help you!!

Bullshit Advice:

In researching this page, I got royally pissed off at the techniques being told to kids to stop bullying. An Example.

  1. Look the bully in the eye and tell him or her to stop
  2. Don't respond
  3. Know when to walk away
  4. Avoid escalating the situation

Although I'm sure whoever wrote this list had their heart in the right place, not ONE of these techniques helped me out at ALL. You know whats worse? I don't have someone that the bullied can do. So here' where WE come in!

Here is my list:

  • Find Safety in Numbers. Be friend kids like you, and try to avoid the bullies as much as possible.
  • You are not Alone! (A lot easier today with the internet, but "back in my day..." lol!) Reach out to another picked-on kid!
  • This is temporary! You will be stronger one day for enduring this! Adults next-to-never get picked on!

To Help:

Remember we can be super-heros to the bullied! If you see a someone getting bullied, step in. Speak up. Here are some simple ways I have found that can make a huge difference in someones life, and will take you less than 15 seconds:

  • Copycat. If someone is being bullied for who they are, step in and say to the Bully you are (or if impossible, were) the same as whatever they are attacking the bullied for. Example:
    • "I'm Gay too" (even if you are not, who cares?)
    • "I was short/large at your age too"
  • Defend. If you are physically larger, (and comfortable with doing so) put yourself physically between the bully and the bullied. You are an adult, I hope words hurt you much less than when you were a child. Bullys are all bark and no bite. I wish I believed that when I was getting picked on, and that someone had stepped in for me, just once.
  • Support. If you can't help. Just with your presence.
  • Silence Protesters. Again, I am glad people in my area don't picket funerals, abortion clinics, and pride rallies. But I pity the protester that tries to get in my way :).
If you need some extra confidence, Know that you are protected by:
  • Your experience, (and size)*is very empowering (especially if defending a child).
  • Even bullies have to slightly respect your courage to step in.

Inspiring Memes:


Inspiring Videos:

How to Stop a Bully
Great Point
Rick Mercer
Matt Stone
Zachary Quinto
Sarah Silverman
Ellen DeGeneres
Neil Patrick Harris
The Gays Got Marrieed

Final Thoughts:

Over the last 4 years, I have attended the annual "Big Gay Dog Walk" on Dallas Rd., and I've noticed a small change in peoples responses.
I no longer receive "But you're not gay" response!
I get a more accepting "That's nice, How was it".
Just a small change I wanted to share in closing.