Dylan Memories:
Dylan Hoen
November 19, 1981 - November 29, 2023
November 19, 1981 - November 29, 2023
Dylan was a great Man, and this page was created to share memories of him.Below you will Find:
- Video Recordings of the Funeral Speeches
- Transcripts of the Funeral Speeches
- 469 Photos
- Links to His Obituary
Funeral Recordings:
Adam Withers
Phil Hoen.
Early Dylan
Early Dylan
Phil Hoen.
Closure + Explaination of
Closure + Explaination of
Rose Ashcraft.
Beth Pedersen.
It Was Never Supposed
to End(9:05)
It Was Never Supposed
to End(9:05)
Caroline Christiaens
Tribute to a Friend
Tribute to a Friend
Shirley Swift.
Tribute from Grandma
Tribute from Grandma
Debbie Swift.
A Tribute to My Son
A Tribute to My Son
Adam Withers.
The Great Times
The Great Times
Kai Zhang
Kind, Honest, Fun to Be Around(6:55)
Kind, Honest, Fun to Be Around(6:55)
Jeff Black
A Lot I can say about Dylan
A Lot I can say about Dylan
Thank you. Capacitor!
Missing: Could I get Copies of Jeff Black's speech?
Thank you. Capacitor!
Hello. I'd like to thank you all for coming.I am Adam Withers, one of Dylans many friends.
Today we've come together to honor the most loving son, grandson, newfew, partner and friend.
We will go through his early years, childhood, education, achievements, great times, health battles, and some Haikus that I think you'll agree describe our Dylan perfectly.
I will speak for those that have prepared words of love in advanced.
I'd like to start off my welcoming Dylans Father, Phil Hoen up to speak from the heart.
Rose #1:
Dylan, it's broken.Okay, send me a picture.
I'll get my tool kit
Rose #2:
Things that Dylan knew.He would want me to learn through.
And maybe laugh, too
Rose #3:
He was a great friend.Saving the day with genius.
Added to kindness
Rose #4:
The way Dylan thoughtwas so far outside the box
it'd rock your socks!
Brian #1:
Don't let the questionWin. Dylan said this in the
Newspaper. Math skills
Brian #2:
Dylan liked drinkingRum and coke. He also drove
An Astro Van. Neat!
Brian #3:
Vibrators sometimesMake Halloween costumes more
Interesting. Boo!
Brian #4:
Dylan put hot dogWeiners on pancakes. It was
Something else. Breakfast
Debbie #1:
Ev'ry one agrees How smart is my son Dylan Those smarts came from Where!?Debbie #2:
Voting for our Earth That Green apple did not Fall Far from That green tree!Debbie #3:
Family dinner, On Sunday, can you make it? His response, "Maybe??"Debbie #4:
42, so young Too damn soon for you to go Dylan, I miss youAdam #1:
Man with van, new best friendSmiles and the biggest hugs
All can be done
Adam #2:
3am, got to the partyMake sure everyone's having fun
Then its time to fix lights
Adam #3:
All systems are go!Apocalypse van unroute
Wait, something broke - Delayed
Adam #4:
Soldering by campfire lightBalanced over my crotch
All to make us a bit happier
Cousin Stacie #1:
Green Safari van Silver canoe on the roof Sunset adventuresCousin Stacie #2:
Take lots of pictures Perfect moments are so brief Capture life's beautyCousin Stacie #3:
Start the van, Vroom, vroom Enough gear to last a year Be back on SundayRyan Franchuck:
Wild adventures danced Dylan's laughter in the rain Heart's echoes remainLaura Carolina:
First belov'ed son Always remembered, with pride For challenges metYaYa Laurie:
A quiet soul, living life But called away too soon We will not forgetYaYa Laurie:
Thinker, creator Doing his best for all by Making things better.Amanda Crook:
The night starts winding down, Stars above shined, but only Dylan would know why one was the brightess lightBeth Speech:
I'll never forget meeting you.I had joined a social media site that focused on meeting people with similar interests.
The event that day was focused on a simple walk around town with no real set plans.
I'm sure we talked earlier, but the highlight of the day was Beacon Hill Drive-In.
It was getting late and our group was quickly dispersing.
I wasn't ready to end the evening and you suggested a walk around the park.
I was ecstatic and said yes.
It seemed like everything happened so fast.
I remember our second meeting you had messaged me that there was now a hike up Mount Doug.
Something about you just lured me in.
I remember how I immediately felt like I could be myself around you.
I can't even remember when I moved in, but I do remember that the transition was easy considering how much time I was already spending there.
I remember our first event together.
It was a Alice in Wonderland themed event.
This was the time that you "officially" wanted to be my partner.
It was also the event where you created your infamous Cheshire cat hat.
Sometimes I wonder if there was a sentimentality behind the hat and us becoming a couple.
You were so proud of the hat and you would explain in detail what prompted you to make it and how it was created.
Every festival was the same process. Everyone was amazed at how unique it was and how unique you were.
I asked you what it was that about these events that was so important to you.
You explained to me that these events made you feel valued and loved. You truly felt you were in your element and these were your people.
I was privileged to see firsthand how you maximized everything you loved the most at these events.
It wasn't just the socialization, you really valued incorporating your projects, too.
I remember the first time you pulled out your soldering iron at a festival. His projects were always a work in progress.
There was always another layer of duct tape that was needed. The lights needed yet another battery pack that necessitated his soldering iron.
Everything he owned showed its age, but he was so brilliant, he would always fix it up again.
If it were up to me, I would have spent every moment with him. I can still clearly picture every moment.
Our walks around Swan Lake, going to visit my friends in Salmon Arm, visiting Harrison Hot Springs, avoiding stepping on the banana slugs while camping, and simply watching Youtube comedy.
I remember all the road trips would start so late.
Oftentimes, it would be midnight or later before we would even start the drive to meet with friends that had already been on site the entire day.
He would be playing his 90s techno and just flying around those corners going to Port Renfrew.
When we arrived, he never really knew where his friends were located.
Yet he remembered from previous trips where they most likely were.
I remember how it seemed like a miracle, when you had no cell reception, you still found me that one time.
I can still remember seeing you arrive. You had that classic walk and confidence.
When we would go meet friends downtown, it was the same thing.
You couldn't slow down and you would just push me along.
I think that's the bit that makes this the hardest.
That you were such a creature of habit and nothing ever changed.
From our walks to Mount Doug, to our festival trips, to just waking up next to you.
Your were my rock in a the furious hurricane of life.
I depended on you for so much that I never even realized it until everything started to unravel.
It was part of who you were to always lend a helping hand.
In a world where so many need to be reminded to be considerate, you simply were.
If I complained my new glasses were not blocking enough sunlight, you would buy a clip-on sunglasses without any prompting.
When I was diagnosed with medical issues, you would research and buy supplements without a word.
You would always try to remind me to take them.
In a world where people would lament the lack of gifts and thought outside of Christmas, you simply picked up those little gifts to make life easier for everyone in your life.
You were always thinking of others and how to solve any problem they might have.
It's hard to put all my memories into words. The time we went to Swan Lake and sat amongst the tall grass looking at the sky.
The time we walked down from Christmas Hill and we entered suburbia and I told you that you didn't need your head light anymore.
You turned it off and immediately rolled your ankle. So many memories of night walks that were as bright as daylight due to your love of bright lights.
It's hard to really convey it all. I struggle to even remember anything else in my life. It used to be a in-joke how little I remembered.
But I remember you. So much of you. Yet I struggle to explain it all. Every minute, every moment. It's so hard.
I feel like I'm doing him a disservice with a million memories that leave with him. A million moments that I never wavered in my mind that wouldn't continue for the foreseeable future.
It's difficult to put your personality and uniqueness down because you were truly so different.
Everything about you was so different from the rest.
From your confident stance, to how patiently you listened to my worries, to how much you loved your projects while you never discouraged rough handling of it all.
I don't know how to really end this because I don't really know how to end our lives together.
It wasn't ever supposed to end. There wasn't supposed to be memories.
There was supposed to be you in all your glory. I'll never forget you, Dylan, and nothing will ever be the same again.
Caroline Christiaens:
It is so hard to believe that Dylan is gone.He was always there in the background, a part of our YaYa family.
I remember holding him when he was tiny newborn.
He was so cute as a toddler with all that blond hair.
He grew to be such a bright, tall man.
I remember his room was like a science experiment ~ dark and full of all sorts of mysterious things.
It is wonderful that he knew the love of a good woman.
It is impressive how she was there for him during his most difficult times.
Dylan was loved by many, and had the comfort of being surrounded by those loved ones when he passed.
Goodbye Dylan
Grandma Shirley Speech (read my Adam):
The following is the tribute from Dylan's Maternal Grandmother, Shirley SwiftIt is very difficult for an elderly grandmother to digest the loss of a well-loved grandson.
With 42 years of memories to call upon, Dylan will remain forever close to my heart.
In his early years, Dylan spent so much time in his Grandfather's workshop.
There they would work on projects using progressively more advanced tools. And Dylans constant, wide ranging, questions could find loving answers.
He loved to drive our riding lawnmower as a young child, with the neighbour's donkeys watching from over the fence -- oh how Dylan loved those Donkeys! And After learning that the local deer enjoyed fruits. Dylan would carefully collect all the fallen yellow plums in piles for the deer that wandered through our yard.
He'd then retreat back into the house, and from a window, and he'd would joyfully watch as the deer munched on his plums.
-- That was fine and good, until the now-lured deer excavated my spring bulbs I'd just planted on the deck.
In Grade 11, He and 3 other students won a National Math Test. The Times Colonist headline would read "Mount Douglas students Ace Quiz". We were all so proud.
Science, his other top interest, drove him to earn his Engineering Degree at University of Victoria -- I distinctly remember a large bridge made of glued-together toothpicks.
We are all left with a lot of Could-Have-Beens for a longer life, and now we must be thankful for the time he had with us.
His time in hospital, with his many visitors showed us the many caring friends he had.
I loved Dylan and I will keep his memory close.
Love Grandma
Debbie Swift. A Tribute to my Son. (Read my Adam):
When one is a brand new mom, totally inexperienced and unprepared, giving birth to a human being is terrifying.At least that was my experience.
The responsibility, the patience required, the forfeiting of your life is such major upheaval.
Thankfully human nature immediately kicks in and you fall deeply in love with your wee helpless infant.
The journey begins.
Dylan was such a sunny little boy, he had a melt-your-heart smile and blond hair.
He instinctively knew how to turn on the VCR, the TV, and really, any electronic device.
He was curious and could ask questions all day long.
He loved his lego and other building toys.
Dylan's cousin Jeffrey was born just five months before Dylan.
We spent a much time with Aunty Judy, Uncle Vern and baby Jeff.
Both sets of grandparents also lived close by as well as my brother Tom with his children, Dylan's older cousins Nathanda and Jon. Nathanda was always very motherly towards Dylanand later towards Brian. We were very grateful to have so much helpful family around, my parentsespecially never hesitated to look after their grandchildren. Phil introduced baby Dylan to swimming very early on.
It was amazing to watch a baby being so comfortable in, and even under the water.
Phil and I, with 10 month old Dylan traveled to Holland to meet all the Dutch relatives.
I loved that trip.
All the aunts, uncles and cousins were so welcoming and loved playing with our adorable son.
Dylan spoke his first word while there, it was "VIS" which is fish in Dutch.
At the time we were staying with an attentive "tante Ret" who held Dylan in front of the fishtank while we slept off our jetlag.
I like to thinkthat was the trigger of his lifelong interest in fish and everything marine.
Phil camperized a van which we used a lot.
Our most adventurous undertaking was to Florida ... WITH Phil's parents.
That was too cozy.
But we got to Yuma where my parents and my Aunt Helen and UncleGeorge were spending the winter.
Dylan was passed around between all the loving adults, he loved being that centre of attention.
Next we were on to Disneyworld and then NASA where we witnessed a Challenger liftoff.
Dylan was a good little traveler and was a welcome focus when the four adults got on each others nerves.
When he was 3 and a half, his brother Brian was born.
I had read that having an older sibling present at the birth would help bonding between siblings.
Since my Mom was my coach along with Phil, I had my dad at the hospital with Dylan, they came in the room right after Brian was born.
Dylan paid no attention to the new arrival but was very interested in "all the blood".
Unfortunately my plan did not work, as typical brothers, they fought a lot.
One month later Phil, Dylan and my Dad (aka Punka) drove up to Cassiar BC where Dylan's Uncle Gary and Auntie Pam lived with their dog Buddy.
My Dad always laughed about how Dylan talked nonstop that entire long long journey.
Dylan and labrador Buddy especially loved each other.
When Dylan was four a friend gave us his one year old siamese cat. We called her Mikey, she lived into her 20s and was Dylan's cat right from the start.
They had a very special bond. It was so difficult to witness Dylan's heartbreak when Mikey finally passed away, a frail and faithful old girl.
The start of school was rough for Dylan, I spoke a little french and thought it would be a benefit for my children to attend French immersion.
That was not a success.
Dylan was mute in class until one day his teacher witnessed him outside, playing loudly and happily with his friends.
We immediately switched him to the English stream which improved things for awhile.
By grade 3, the teachers were concerned that Dylan had learning issues so he was sent for a few hours each day to a special learning centre called Pearkes.
There Dylan received one on one attention and therapy.
Many years later, when Dylan was an adult, we would learn that Dylan "had Aspergers".
At the time we knew he was very bright but yes, he was different, at that time the term aspergers was not used nor recognized as a syndrome.
To add to the turmoil, at about this time, Phil and I split and eventually divorced.
That was a very difficult time for all of us.
Around grade 5, Dylan was moved to a class at Oaklands School where he could get individual attention.
Mr Samuelson was a natural born teacher who recognized Dylan's strengths.
He got Dylan into the accelerated Math and Science classes in which Dylan took pride at being top of the class.
English and Social Studies however were quite a different matter.
As a Mom I tried to help Dylan with homework inthese classes, it often ended with us both frustrated and in tears.
Dylan just could not write a story, whether it be fiction or nonfiction (like what I did on my vacation).
He could concentrate on things that interested him but when he was not interested ... well it was just a lost cause.
Somehow we made it through, I kept telling him "if you can survive school, you can survive anything!"
He made good friends in that class, Cory and Matt are two that I remember.
At Arbutus Jr High allowances were made for him, letting him write tests orally and with no time limits.
He then went on to Mt Douglas where he met longtime friend Kai, Kai was a kind friend and a great support for Dylan.
So in the end Dylan did survive and somehow, I did too.
In 1992 we moved to Lancaster St.
Oh my, there were 4 boys, Derek, Darren and Keith within just a few homes. They got into all sorts of teenage boy trouble.
The worst was when Dylan created a pipe bomb!
I am so sorry Derek!
Poor Derek was holding it when it exploded.
The first I knew about it was when the police came to the door as we were eating dinner.
Now Dylan, due to his logical asperger mind, was mostly incapable of telling a lie, however he made a valiant attempt but was no match for the police officer.
Dylan eventually cracked, he reached into his pocket while saying "Well now that you mention it..." and pulled out a second pipe bomb.
I was shocked and embarrassed but I cannot say I was surprised.
The offending pipe bomb was confiscated.
Dylan always did have a lifelong obsession with fireworks and fire in general.
Thankfully Derek's hand mostly recovered.
Early on we had the opportunity to purchase a newly marketed MacIntosh computer. Dylan had that thing hooked up and working within minutes.
He had an innate intelligence when it came to computers.
I could see that both of my sons were addicted to the darn thing but in the end it was a positive.
As you all know this was Dylan's future career and that Mac gave him a head start.
Mostly to get my sons away from the computer, I invested in a trampoline which we set up in our tiny back yard.
Dylan loved it, and so did the entire gang of his friends.
There were usually all four on it at the same time.
I was terrified that someone would get hurt but as far as I know, nothing happened. It was great exercise for them all, in the end I considered it a wise purchase.
Another good investment I made was a bribe with my children.
I promised them $1000 each if they had not taken up smoking by age 20.
They both earned the bribe money and I was thrilled to pay out.
Next came University of Victoria, Dylan took his time doing his Co-Op Engineering degree in about six years. He was focused and could clearly see where he wanted to go.
I initially paid for his tuition and his textbooks, but with the understanding that he would pay me back.
Not because I needed the money (and I did need it) but because I wanted him to know the value of his education.
I saw so many teenagers head for university and squander their parent's money and not be serious about their studies.
Dylan really did value his education.
We were beyond proud when he graduated, he fought so hard for so many school years and He Did It!!!!
Dylan's room when he lived with me was something else.
He rigged a large piece of plywood that held his mattress on top of large plastic totes filled with wires and tools and parts for the many projects that he had on the go.
His bed was never made, his desk top was loaded with computer screens and .. well .. stuff.
His dirty clothes were all over the floor, I hated going in there.
Once in a whileI would summon the courage to help him clean and tidy but it was truly a lost cause.
Dylan had such trouble waking up in the morning.
He had his alarm set so loudly, it woke the rest of thehousehold but not Dylan, he would snooze the alarm multiple times.
Poor Brian, that did not endear him to his older brother at all!
Once the familiar comfort of school was finished, Dylan had to get out there and find a job.
That was a huge struggle for Dylan, that interview process was tough.
Eventually he found his way to local company Reach Technologies.
They allowed Dylan to start his work day as the rest of the staff headed home. Dylan needed a distraction free workplace.
I learned so much from Dylan.
He constantly questioned those rules in our society that just did not make sense.
Before asking him to do anything I had to make darn sure that I could back up my request with logic.
He was pretty much always right which taught me to also question the rules.
I loved the fact that he could not lie.
When he didn't really want to answer yes, his response would always be "maybe?"
I am sovery grateful that Dylan had Beth in his life.
He did me proud by being such a kind and considerate partner.
I will let Beth and Dylan's friends fill in the more recent years but let me quickly mention the few weeks before he passed.
First of all it seems so surreal that Dylan is no longer with us.
The 48 day hospital experience was so difficult.
I would never know, as I made my way to the hospital, if it would be a good day or a bad day for my son.
(A "good day" is very relative. It would mean that he knew his name and hopefully where he lived)
Towards the end the bad days came more and more frequently and my heart ached for my boy being in such an awful state.
Only THAT made it possible for me to bravely let him go when it was his time.
I thank Beth, Phil, Jeff, Stacie, Adam and Amanda, Rose, Judy, Bart and Bill, my mom, Gary and Pam and especially my kind helpful husband Keith for coming to visit Dylan and helping me hold his hands. I know that Dylan took comfort from having visitors, I also felt comforted.
And an additional thank you Pam and Brian for delivering homemade food for Keith and me and thanks to my dear YaYas whotraveled from Vancouver to take me for a walk, a talk and dinner.
Dylan, I love you dearly, it was a huge privilege to have been your Mom.
You had so much to teach me, I came to value the aspergerness of you, my brilliant, logical and kind son.
Thank you my dear boy for all the hikes, the talks, your take on the world and your special sense of humour.
The world needs more like you.
The Great Times (Adam Speech):
When met Dylan in 2007 through Yuri, he was celebrating his freshly-minted Engineering Degree at his Regina House - - - by drinking 13 ounces of Rye in 19 seconds.
- When I was midway through replacing the roof on my house -- In August-- we got the storm of the century - A torrential downpour of biblical purportions.
Well Dylan came to rescue me with a dozen tarps, and buckets, and brought be food as I slept in my attic to catch drips.
Without him, my house would have been destroyed -- Weeks before it went on the market.
- When my dad died, my friends all came together, to make sure I wasn't alone. And Dylan stayed with me till 6am, drinking on a beautiful dock overlooking Swan Lake, and digesting the mysteries life.
He continued to fill a special part of my dad's role, by answering so many of my (often-pointless) fantastical quesitons. - He taught me SO much about Science, just by being around him.
A simple meetup at the grocery store quickly turns into staring at the Eclipse through Floppy Disks.
A trip for sushi turns into 7 hours trying to photograph the Northern Lights.
Those were just some of the wonderful adventures you count expect from being with Dylan.
- Dylan just loved picking people up!!!!!!!!!
Litterally! When your feet left the ground, you knew he loved you.
His Drunk-hugs where the best.
- For 17 years We shared almost every holiday together.
New Year Eves, St Patricks Day, Canada Day, Halloween, along with our many annual pub crawls.
And since he was born only 2-days after me, every one of our birthdays.
- His love for Beth was paramount. I was there when they met on an "20's and Youthful 30's" Meetup walk through Beacon Hill Park.
Their first Date, a "Boob Cruise" with 30 Monty's strippers, and this guy.
Dylan would build *anything* to make Beth happier or more comfortable. -- And without Beth, Dylan wouldn't get *anywhere*! -- Even 5 hours late.
Examples include:
The Tinfoil wrapped camping cuddle chairs for the frequently-cold.
A Rotating platform for the budding Sculptor
The flashing red lights to Alert urgent Texts for the Day Dreamer
Preparing food and snacks for the hungry in denial
Dylan and Beths first winter, they took me and my dog Bosco for a camp Fire on newly-cleared lots of Goldstream Heights to admire the city views.
Not knowing that would one day, those empty lots would be my new home!
- When I was deathly-sick with Sepsis, but the hospitals had sent me away, Dylan brought me food, to me tiny house high up on the mountain, and camped in my driveway to make sure I was OK.
- Dylan was such a friendly guy. Parties, festivals, and camping where he shined! His 8-foot Orgasmatron costume, the Color-changing face on his Chershire Cat Hat, and Hot Tub were always a hit! And I don't need to remind you all of his go-to drink of choice, say it with me now: Pop + Canadian Club Rye + prepared in a... an empty Gatorade bottle!
- Now you can't talk about Dylan without bringing up that VAN! - - Those Apocalypse-Ready Vans!
He knew each so intimately, and there was no denying his rigs were prepared.
Solar Panels on the roof -- or a Hot tub!
Maybe a fullsize fridge or couch on the back,
or a ramp for Roses scooter.
Together, they would never let you down!
He lifted the suspension 8-inches to take it into even more crazy places - - BUT then having to lower it back down 2 of those inches when he realised he was not being able to get into Roses underground parkade anymore.
Are you hungry, thirsty, cold, too sober, crave music, need charge your phone, toilet paper, a snack, etc - - - Dylan's van had it!
- One Project that brought me and all the Hoen Men together was Building his father massive handicapped-accessible house extention.
A Labour of love for Phils beloved partner Astrid.
It was heartwarming to see Brian, Dylan and Phil working together for such a labour of love.
- One Bucketlist item for both of us was to enjoy Las Vegas with Dylan and the Gang.
I was so glad finally did it!.
We road-triped down, when the darkest days of Covid let up a smidge.
Dylan designed these engenious Bluetooth "Meshstatic" communication devices so that both our cars could text without Cell Service!
We had a blast running down the strip in 8 matching t-Shirts. Trips into the desert, campfires, gokarts. Grand Canyon Skywalk, and even Peeing on the Berlin wall.
And Yes, he did bring multiple Soldering Irons on vacation!
- One of the last things we did together was prep the "elevator pitch" for his 20th High School reunion from Mount Doug.
Preparing him to Catch up with people up quickly, boiling down all of his accomplishments, and picking the best details.
- He was so measured in everything he did. Rye measured so accurately. Scales, beakers and thermometers brought camping. Paper maps and instructions.
He was prepared for Anything and made sure everyone had all they needed.
I will forever miss my friend, and all our good times.
And will cheerish his memory by repeating his stories, sharing his inventions, amd remaining close with our friends, beth, and his family.
I love you Buddy.
Our friendship grew hard, fast and strong from that moment.
I'd like to touch breifly on some of those amazing memories, to honor my friend, our many adventures, and how he has helped me.
In closing today, I thought I'd like to leave you with one of the many conflicting stories as to Dylans first words.I've heard it was Fish.
But I would like go with the other option I heard, as in speaks to the Spirit of Dylans amazing brain: Capacitor!
Thank you all for coming.
Rose Speech:
Dylan, my dearest, treasured friend, we had so many joyful, fun and even hilarious times
together, like others have expressed, it's hard to list them all - but I hold them all in my
heart. Even though I have battled with chronic pain and frustrating limits, you always had us
finding ways to find joy, divert and have fun in the moment, and gently dare an adventure or
two that was doable for me now and thenÂ
and those I will never forget. You were truly
there for me through thick and thin, you knew and understood what most cannot see.. And
you even applied your ingeniousness to make things more doable and accessible for me, in
ways others might not think about, because you really cared and I hold so much gratitude
for all of that. But also, that is how you were - you were there for a lot of people, even in the
tough timesÂ
and also during the happy times. I promise I will make everything you did for
me, and invented for me, and taught me, and thought up with me, and laughed about with
me count, always.
There are so many lasting memories. A lot of good sunsets, treasured nature walks when I felt up to it, and often with a dash of wicked humor sometimes a bit dark and bold, and of course in-jokes...and that laugh of yours was something and together when watching funny stuff on YouTube or shows, we might've at times scared the pets or weirded out my kids - and maybe even my neighbor - with your hearty chuckle combined with my shrill cackles. However, speaking of my kids, they were both incredibly fond of you and are also grieving you right now. They appreciated you so very much, too and you were good to them. You cared about them, and it meant a lot to us. Your understanding of my son Pearson, who is also autistic and struggles, meant a lot to him and he truly misses you . So does Elliot. Nelson, my husband, appreciates you too, appreciates the ways you helped me, the fun times and laughs we had when he was present, and he misses you very much as well. Yes, the boys will always hold Dylan in their hearts' memory.
Like Beth said too, I felt like I could be myself with you. My quirky, neurodivergent self. On that note, that is where we met, at the aspie meetup a little over ten years ago. Over these last ten years you became as close to me as family. We had so many great times and fun memories with those of us from the aspie group. You were brilliant, yet so humble about it, and you taught me so much because being that I think outside the box too, things that might otherwise confuse me were easier to understand coming from you. That is captured in some of the photos in the album I have of you; the expressions on our faces as you were explaining something about the computer to me. It's amusing and made the boys chuckle.
I miss you, your humor, zest for life and brilliance daily, and I miss discussing ideas about health, people, nature and the way things work that we were mutually on the same wavelength about, leading to fascinating ideas. It's surreal that you are not here to talk to, and whenever I think about that I start missing you again and tear up. It's hard to move forward after losing such a wonderful friend and treasured friendship that we had, but I know that I must move forward regardless, that is what you would want me to do, while holding the great memories and things we learned and would suffice..
Dylan, the way you made things work really bordered on magic and miracle working...to the point I practically had blind faith that you could fix anything. I don't know anyone else who can do that quite like you. Adam called you Super Dylan because of it. Wherever you are now on the other side, maybe you're wearing the Super Dylan cape that you earned. You really, but humbly and compassionately, loved life and lived it to the fullest and had lots of fun adventures, while also caring so much and helping people immensely..without expecting anything back .
But on that note, we even used to joke about our mutual autie "right way to say thank you" anxiety. Sometimes I felt pretty guilty asking you to help fix something, but then again I am convinced you truly enjoyed it. If I told you something was broken you'd immediately exclaim Âtake a picture!" .. You enjoyed solving problems and inventing new solutions. However, I would sit you down when you were done and cook you something nice since we both liked food it was fun to do something nice back for you and I love cooking. I'd share recipes with you, and also my experience-related Âinner book' of health information that you were both fascinated in and valued as helpful at which point you'd often respond with your well known upturn-pitched Âoh' which sounded partially like an Âah.' It'd be fun to find ideal supplements for a good deal somewhere, and it'd always be fun to cook up and try new, reasonably healthy but tasty foods while we'd perhaps watching something fascinating or hilarious.
It's so surreal that you're not here anymore. It is surreal for all of us, but we will continue forward holding you in our hearts and our memories forever. Reminders of you are everywhere, from things that I know you'd find funny, to a lovely sunset, to things in my house that you fixed, augmented or even built (heck, I don't even want to get rid of the broken air filter anymore .)
Until we meet again, farewell my dear friend. I miss you so much and I always will. I hope that somehow and in some way I'll see you again. So much love and light and well wishes to Dylan's family and friends and his partner Beth, also my friend. Things didn't turn out as we had hoped and expected them to and it's been heartbreaking..there's no right way to grieve, and one day at a time, I can only hope for our heart's healing.
Starting Life:
31st Bday Pics:
35th Bday Pics:
36th Bday Pics:
Vegas Pics:
New Years 2014:
2015- Epic Night Out:
2015 Aug Boob Cruise:

Vegas Dylan
Prank Adams Camera
My Birthday message 2023
Hot Tub Heater
Hot Tub Heater2
2014 East Sooke Park
2014 East Sooke Park
Tom dylan Cone Talk
- Setup GPS tracking for events like music festivals, vacations, beerfest, etc.
- Grinding 200lbs of Bear meat for sausage
- Made tazers out of camera flash bulbs
- We tore apart a microwave for welding batteries
- 3D printed molds my ocatoganl bricks and my driveway.
- Face Tracking and Person Identifying Cameras for the back yard "Adam Withers has arrived"
- Painting my house and concrete walls with Beth
- When it came time to move him from his Mom Debbies to North Park. Some people would have rented a Uhaul truck, but We did it in 30 trips in the van
- Ozone-creating lights to decontaminate food+mail during covid
- Custom belt-mounted crutches for Angela to stretch her spine.
- Planning my Dreamhouse, and then 3D Printing it!
- Juice Cleanses
- Helping me shop for land, planning out each lot of property for perfect viewing from a hot tub.-- The course a zipline could take
- Indoor-sun infared Tanner. Which exploded and landed hot glass on our exposed butts.
- Turning my shower-cave into an infrared sauna
- Making Moon Shine
- Charging 48 Nissan Leaf Battery-packs
- Custom battery packs for everything
- Not willing to accept my cellphone battery dying. He strapped a massive homemade battery to it. Making it look like a "bomb"
- When I moved out to the middle of nowhere, Dylan Lent me his Van to deter theives.
- But then randomly showed up, in front of my secutiry Cameras, with his shirt pulled over his face, waving an AXE, and pointing a banana like a gun.
- Building a light-blue Coffin for his grandmother with his Brother + Dad
- Jackhammering concrete footings
- Pouring Concrete Stairs
- Being the first to offer help in mini-emergencies.
- His Giant, lift-you-off-the-ground hugs
- Supporting Laura Lymphoma and through her Chemo and shaving our heads!
- His Light-up "Cheshire Cat" Hat that changed colors and expessions on the back
- As soon as I had the roof on my tiny house last March, he came over in the snow, with his Propane Heater. He put up vapour barrier before the walls were fully finished, so I could have my first warm sleep at my property.
- When I sprained my ankle, the day before being a groomsman at Ally's Wedding --Very poorly planed when you live in a loft--. Dylan camped in his van, just to make sure I got down from the loft, and limped down the aisle.
- For Pubcrawls, he designed and strapped a belt-mounted car battery to my hip. Then designed a Mega-bright LED necklace I could control like a traffic light, to lead the way for the drunks!
- His 8-foot Orgasmatron costume was always a hit!
- One of the last things we did was prep his "elevator pitch" for his 20th high school reunion. Catching people up quickly, and the best details.
- When my Dad died, he continued to fill the gap in answering so many of my (often-stupid) fantastic quesitons
- Showing up late
- His super-thick wallet!
- Snoring like a Banshee!
- For my 6-week old puppy Bosco's first hike, Dylan took us up Mount Doug to take hundreds of pictures.
- I only met Dylan in 2007, my his freshly earned Uvic Diploma.
I always knew we were very alike, but it wasn't until after his death, I realised how identical our childhood activities were.
And I was just 10 blocks away, is a different school catchment area.
- When I first came to visit Dylan, shortly after surgery, I knew he would be high. So I wore kooky fox ears and a tail, to see if he would have a funny memory.
- Lifting his van 8-inches, but then having to lower it back down 2 or those inches when he realised he was not being able to get into Roses underground parkade.
- Air filtering fans For Beth, Rose, Adam
- Fixing Rose's Scooters
- Obsession with capturing the Northern Lights on film
- Timelapses
- Watching Eclipse with beth through old floopy disks. "Why did you think I kept these things around"
- Beautiful Pictures of Beth
- Setting up a remote-controlled Photobooth at our many birthday parties.
- It is still the only GPS Tracked van I've ever seen.
- Ziplock bags full of tools
- Though those Astro vans are a common sight town. I Always knew it was Dylan because of all the carts, tools, solar panels, many gadgets on the roof, and his very-focused face flying all over town.
- Bringing him subway sandwiches to work. I hung out there so much, at weird hours, I bet they thought I worked there.
- Thousands of dog walks and hikes, especially to keep me sane during covid
- Enroute to Brides of March pub crawl and stopping at Home Depot. In full wedding dresses
- Many nights started at his place. So Dylan came up with drinking out of yogurt containers for the short walk downtown. Covert and Classy!
- Tom's bachelor party
- Sober Januarys + Juice Cleanses where we would lose some of our winter fat.
- Donating Blood
- So many hikes. Mount Doug--the Hard way-- 150 times during covid. Sooke potholes, East sooke Park. Mt Tolmie.
- Fire pits, everywhere, anytime. It was in the van ready to go.
- Wherever we went, Dylan was there. Though often late, and distracted building something to make us more comfortable.
Things Beth will Probably Want:
- Laptops
- Monitors
- Kitchen Stuff
- Bed
- Weight Lifting
- Free Weights
- Olypictal Machine
- Mirror
- Dining Room Table
Things I'd like:
- To Recreate the photo of Dylan Finally Moving into his New Garage!
- My 48 Nissan Leaf batteries
- Partially Completed Inventions
- Shotgun Drinking Device (looks like garbage!)
- Size 11 Shoes + Clothes
- Cheshire-Cat Hat to Repair and Return to Beth
- Misc Tools + Batteries
- Shelving
Things I'd like to Buy:
- A Camera that can be fired by remote for Photobooths
- Computer
- Solar Panels
- Router Table
- Infared Heater
- 3D Printer
- Bicycle to finish the EBike Project
Things Others May Want:
- 3 Pairs of pants(Debbie) to make purse for Beth
- Colorful quilt in Livingroom to wash, repair and return to Beth (Debbie)
- Camp Stereo (Ryan Franchuk)
- Beth Cheshire-Cat Hat
- HydroPonics
- C-Pap Machine (Amanda)
Backup Haikus:
If you need one, I have three
I'll be fixing the fourth
Planning to upgrade the fifth
Backup Haikus:
Oh The projects we had planned
We can built it.
Engineer, Solder-Fi
Funeral Itinerary:
- Introduction (Spoken by Adam)
- Baby Dylan (Spoken by Phil)
- Grandma's speech - Toddler Dylan (Spoken by Adam)
- Haikus (Spoken by Rose)
- The Fun times Speech+slideshow (Spoken by Adam)
- Ask If anyone else wants to speak.
- Dylans Condition, and Final Days (Spoken by Phil)
- Haikus (Spoken by Brian)
- One last chance to speak
- Haikus (Spoken by Adam)
- Thank everyone
New Itinerary:
- First Memorial Program For DYLAN HOEN
- Adam Withers ~ Introduction
- Phil Hoen ~ Tribute to his Son
- Rose Haikus (Brian and hers)
- Beth Pederson ~ Tribute to her Partner
- Shirley Swift ~ Tribute to her Grandson ~ Read by Adam
- Bart Hoen, Judy Black, Stacie Black and Bill Gagne perform 3 Songs
- Debbie Swift ~ Tribute to her Son ~ Read by Adam
- Kai Zhang ~ Tribute to his Friend
- Adam Withers ~ The Great Times
- Caroline Christiaens ~ Tribute to her Friend ~ Read by Adam
- Invitation to any attendees that wish to speak
- Haiku
- Invitation to any attendees that wish to speak
- Everyone welcome to the Reception Room for nibbles and refreshments.
Funeral Help Required:
- PRINT in LARGE font, filling the page (4 pages total):
- Itinerary+Introduction+Finale.
- Grandma speech.
- 12 Haikus.
- Adam Speech
- Locate Karen; Request her phone mount; Clap to a chair with unobstructed view; Point at stage; hit record. Have backup phone READY if required. Send Videos to Adam.
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