
Car Shopping

Help me Leif!Updated 1 month ago

Car Shopping. To Consider:

  • I don't drive much, but will in a year.
  • I do not care one-bit what my car looks like (dents, scratches etc).
  • I need something to haul supplies for my new house project.
  • A trailer would be an option for supply runs!
  • I plan to wrap the car in vinyl.
  • Dad would say "You need a reliable vehicle". But I don't need flawless reliability. A break down will never ruin my week if cheap to fix.
  • I would prefer a cheap car I wouldn't need more than basic insurance on.
  • I swore I would never buy a NEW car, due to depreciation
  • CarGurus.ca is a SCAM!

Ideal Options:

  • $3K Former-Taxi Hybrid
  • $7K Electric Car with PLAN to Upgrade Range
  • $20K Telsa with Major Cosmedic Damage

Other Options:

  • $6K Japanese Mini Truck
  • $3K? Leifs Miata
  • $?? A Car from Leif
  • $?? The next cheap, Toyota Echo or similar Lief find cheap.
  • $?? Fix Taurus

The Current Best-Option is a Nissan Leaf:

All Cars (Sorted by Price):

$ 2,0002005 Toyota Prius96kmHybridListing
$ 3,8002006 Smart Fortwo116kmDeiselListing
$ 3,8502000 Toyota Will71kmGasolineListing
$ 5,9002012 Nissan LEAF??kmFast Charge6/12barsMotorize.ca Dealer
$ 6,9002005 Toyota Prius152kmHybridListing
$ 7,9002011 Nissan LEAF89kmFast Charge7/12barsListing
$ 8,8002011 Nissan LEAF113kmFast Charge8/12barsListing
$10,0002012 Nissan LEAF150kmFast Charge9/12barsListing
$10,5002012 Nissan LEAF86kmFast Charge10/12barsListing
$11,5002014 Nissan LEAF127kmFast Charge11/12barsListing
$11,9262013 Nissan LEAF102km???????????11/12barsListing
$12,9002014 Nissan LEAF???kmFast Charge11/12barsSaanich Nissan
$12,4952015 Nissan LEAF81km????????????/12barsListing
$14,7002015 Nissan LEAF85kmFast Charge11/12barsListing
$22,9002016 Toyota Prius96kmHybridListing

Fix / Upgrade the Battery Myself:

$ 2,800Rebuild 20KWh Leaf Battery=$140/KWhLink
$ 1,5005.3KWHr Tesla 55lbs=$283/KWhLink
$ 80060.8V, 2.6kWh=$307/KWh
$ 150100Ah, Battery Pack @ 3.6Volts =0.360KW/h =$416/KWhLink
$ 32Ah, 18650 @3.7V =7.4Wh=$445/KWh
$ 3,890125Ah Kia @48 V 6 kWh =$648/KWh
$13,72519.76 kWh=$694/KWh

Nissan Leaf Notes:

  • BATTERY Capacity
  • 160,000 km Warranty?
  • Charger Cable+Plug (120V-3KV+240V-6KV)
  • Ap + Connects to my Account!
  • Solar Panel
  • Sat-Nav WORKS (No SD Card?)
  • Air Pump (Trunk on Left)
  • 24KWh (1945kg)or 30KWh 1970kg

Asking For battery Help:

Hello, I am very interested in your Nissan Leaf.
My only concern is the 8/12 battery capacity.

I was wondering if you knew anyone (in town or online) that would sell/recondition/replace the battery.
I am very-handy, so if you can point me to any method of bringing the range up.
I would much rather get your (cheaper) car, and have a plan to add/recondition/replace its battery, then get one with 11/12 bars.
I am open to all options, including adding a third-party trunk-mounted battery.

I noticed you have two of them on your lot, so either would work.
Esthetics + features don't matter at all to me. It is all about the battery/range. I am also patient if you have another one a month or two away.


Replacing Bad Cells#1
Replacing Bad Cells#2