TEAM Scavenger Hunt
Our Mission, is one great night out on the town!Updated 1 year ago
Current Theme: Adam's Birthday!

Adam Birthday:
Friday Nov 17 2017.Start at Redd's Roadhouse for Karaoke @7pm, then walk Downtown (if weather is good--otherwise cab).
Scavenger Hunt:
Together, we need a picture of EACH of these tasks below:
You do not need to collect anything. Simply take a picture with it.
Send Pics to Adam Afterwards.
Find Someone Who Is:
These CANNOT be people in the group!- Wearing flip-flops/Crocs
- Wearing either a Yankees/Canucks Hat/Jersey
- Wearing Canucks Logo (Jersey, Tattoo, etc)
- With a pair of handcuffs
- With a Tramp-Stamp
- With a Silly hat
- With Green underwear!
- With a Foot Tattoo!
- NOT wearing underwear
- Find Something that Rhymes with "Bosco"
Team Photos
- Cram yourselves into something tiny (Car, Phonebooth, Bathroom Stall, etc.)
- Team photo with something reflective
- Team photo in the inner harbour
- Group Hug in a Pizza-place
- Team Photo staging a Kung-Fu battle on the sidewalk outside a prestigious hotel
- Group cheers with drinks (not shots)
- Girls: Pose like the Charlie's Angels
- Boys: Pose like Gangtas
- All Stand on Something (Parking Meter poles, Harbour lights, Chairs)
- Shoulder Massage Circle
- Mannequin Pose on Escalator
- Make a Human Pyramid
- Drink out of something Alternative(Chalice, Bucket, Bowl, etc.)
- Everyone Talks in an accent the whole time you are at the next Bar
- Get an American to Buy you a Canadian Beer
- Get Kissed by Two Girls at one Time
- Kiss someone through a fence.
- Get Someone to wave/cheer you FROM a balcony!
- Say "I Love you" to 10 strangers
- Drink a Liquid Evil!
- Spank 5 strangers
- Kiss 2 strangers
- High-Five a bouncer
- Pose / make out with 3 different statues
- Picture with a condom rolled down your arm
- Ride / Hug one of those eagle/whale/bear statues
- Politely ask a police officer for a picture.
- Pose with the biggest object you can find, like its your penis
- Drink a Mickey as a group, like its High School
- Pet a homeless person's dog
- Do a Donald Trump Impression
- Have a Stranger Show you their Favorite Sex Position
- Have someone Tattoo a funny saying over your Butt (Tramp Stamp)
- Celeb Pics
- Find a Bachelor, Bachelorette Party
- Kissed by a Stripper
T-Shirt Design:
- My safe word is "Fluggaenkoecchicebolsen"
- Front of Shirt "Drink Drank Drunk"
- Have 8 strangers sign your shirt's shoulder with something vulgar/funny they wouldn't say to their grandmother
- Sing 1 Song of the Groups Choosing
- Have 2 Strangers say "Happy Birthday" without telling them or showing the shirt.
- Make up a Rap Song about "XXX","YYY", and "ZZZ" for friends
- Use the word "XXX" in a sentence 5 times throughout the night
- Get Kissed by Two Girls at one Time
- Give 3 + Receive 3 Sharpie Tattoos
- Leave 5 random post it notes in bars with kind words.
- Have 6 Shots bought for you.
- Pet 7 Dogs.
- Get 8 people to high-five you. Just by holding up your hand
Where are we going next?:
Meet at:
1. Most common Flag Color + Peter Griffin's Favorite Movie.'S
Drive to:
2. Animal that launched Steven Spielberg's CareerDrive to (Then no more driving!):
3. John Wayne's Nick nameT
You have until _______ to complete your mission, then meet up at ______________ to discuss and share pictures
.If we do this right, at the end of the night, we should have a album like this:
.The Goal
10 Coolest Party Games
Amanda New 2023 Figure out the group's most prominent astrological sign. Then find 10 stranges throughout the night with the same sign
Ask 5 strangers they worst/corny pick up line
Group picture in front of a brick wall
Group picture spelling out a word (Example YMCA) - be creative for word based on group size
I'd suggest not doing these ones. (too complex, hard to photograph, lame, etc.). Better for a NON-picture based Scavenger Hunt.
- Ask 3 strangers to tell you a joke.
- Find someone with the same initials as someone in your group
- Interview a couple on a date
- Watergun with Tequila
- Fit an entire bag of Skittles in your mouth and sing a Nursery Rhyme
- Take some Hotel Stationary
- Bring To-Go-drinks in a huge Vegas-style cup. Or in a Big Gulp / Movie Theatre Cup!.
- Find a penis-shaped liquor bottle
- Do a Blue Shot
- Do a Green Shot
- With a mustache to give you a piggy back ride
- Hit on a Hot Dog / Pizza Vendor
- Who has 3 concussions!
- Find Something that Rhymes with "Hill"
- Dance in the Street
- Teach Someone a Secret Handshake
- Get someone to give you their underwear (Not a Group Member)
- Get Kissed by Two Guys at one Time
- Take the number of people you have slept with, then triple it, and tell a stranger
- Write a Love Note with Lipstick on the Bathroom Mirror
- Stand in a fountain.
Courtney's Scavenger Hunt Only:
- Get 10 Bouncers/Bartenders to sign your shirt.
- Get 3 people to buy you a Birthday Shot!
- Get Picture of Courtney ON Courtney street!