

Sick of falling for satire News Sites?
Here is a list, so you won't want to fall for it again!

Fact Checkers:

Spend the 11 seconds before becoming part of the problem:

How to fact-check something shared online:

1. Google
2. Snopes
For images, Google reverse image search, then you upload the photo. It will tell you the source, original website, or it will show the original picture!
For lost kids simply Google their name.

How to Spot Bullshit Online:

  • Are there lots of typos?
  • Are they the only person carrying this story?
  • Is it from a known satirical website?
  • Is anything else in the article easily proven wrong?
  • Does the article contain numbers, dates, quotes, Etc?
  • Does it contain quotes. Videos?
  • If it appears supported by "experts", do they have a degree and experience in this field?
We all accidentally share a flawed or false article occasionally.
If it happens to you, admit it, tell your friends your mistake, apologize, and learn from it in the future.
The goal is to learn, and eventually stop the Lies!


  • What's the purpose of the article?
  • Is this article for entertainment?
  • Is it to express an opinion?
  • What the the goal of the publisher and author?
  • Is it current?
  • Is the article relevant to the topic?
Respect journalists + journalism and hold them to high credibility standards. Screw "Media Personalities"

Does it pass the C.R.A.P. Test?:


Perfect Example of Media Bias -- Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle:

Many Pairs of articles,
Written by the SAME media companies,
about the same thing,
within a couple years of each other,
one positive, one very negative.


How to Spot Fake News