Progressive Trivia
Updated 11 months ago
What is the common thread with all these People / Things?:
- I garuantee at the end of the question you WILL know the answer. Even if we have to spell it out.
- The clues start super-vague.
- Dont feel bad if you don't get it right away, we try to make it really hard, and then progessively easier.
- At the end, we will give you a Final-Horah. If you can't get it after that, we can't help you.
Four Diffent Ways to play?:
- Hit Pause, Write down the Hint #1, and your answer.
- Once you know the answer. Signal to any other players by saying "I got it". From then on, it is their game to go at their own pace.
- This will be made a YouTube Video Series