
Mileage Calculator

I couldn't find a decent Gas Calculator online, so I wrote one!
Lets you use Dollars, Miles, Kms, Gallons, or Litres, and Compares to other Vehicles
Our Compare U.S. To Canadian gas prices, to figure otu which side of the border to buy on.

Or Convert a US Gas Price to a Canadian one!

U.S. Gas Price $ USD / Imperial Gallon Example: $ 2.65 USD
Canadian Gas Price $ CAD / Litre Example: $ 1.32 CAD
Current USD Exchange 1.4211433496122

Or How much Time, Money, and CO2 do you waste every year in your car?

Distance from work to Home. kms (Example 23.2kms) Look Up Work->Home Distance.
Milage of your car (Example 13 MPG or 18l/100kms) Look Up Your Milage.
Results: Time CO2 Gas-ONLY-Cost
Per Week:
Per Year:
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