
Are You Crazy?

Here is a quiz:Updated 10 months ago

Trump Psychological Test:

Are You High Maintenance (Guys + Girls) Test:


Hare Psychopathy Checklist

  • 0 Points: Does not apply
  • 1 Points: Applies to a certain extent
  • 2 Points: Fully applies
A Score of +30 means Clinincally Psychotic
  1. Glibness/superficial charm
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
  3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  4. Pathological lying
  5. Conning/manipulative
  6. Lack of remorse or guilt
  7. Shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses)
  8. Callous/lack of empathy
  9. Parasitic lifestyle
  10. Poor behavioral controls
  11. Promiscuous sexual behavior
  12. Early behavioral problems
  13. Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  14. Impulsivity
  15. Irresponsibility
  16. Failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions
  17. Many short-term marital relationships
  18. Juvenile delinquency
  19. Revocation of conditional release (from prison)
  20. Criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)

Do you have your shit together??:

Are you a decent person to have a relationship with?:

In conversations with dozens of male friends over the years, occansionally "high maintenance women" comes up. The general consensus was: "a girl being high-maintenance or not, doesn't really matter, What really matters is:" Are you a decent person to have a relationship with?

In general:

  1. Are you a rational person?
  2. When you don't know something? How often do you Google it?
  3. When you don't know something? Not worry about it?
  4. How often do you bring up negative, unrelated issues from years ago when you having an argument?
  5. How likely are you to analyzing your problems, and find solutions to them on your own?
  6. How do you respond to + consider occasional, gently phrased, well-intended criticism?
  7. When confronted with a non-emotional situation. Are you able to approach it logically?
  8. When confronted with a emotional situation. Are you able to approach it logically?
  9. Are people in your life often saying you have misquoted them?
  10. When you are feeling emotional, are you able to admit it at the time?
  11. Are you able to solve your own simple problems? Example (phone, car, computers)
  12. Can you cooperate with your partner while doing a project
  13. Do you have an argument with your partner everyday?
  14. Do you match your partners activity level
  15. Social butterfly to recluse homebody

With your Current Partner:

  1. Do you consult your partner before making a large decisions that would affect them?
  2. Have you ever restricted access to sex/effection, or used like it is a reward? Wven once.
  3. Are you jealous of or threatened by any of your partners friends?
1. I take care of my children at home full-time or most of the time.
No children
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
2. My sleep has become disturbed - too much, too little, or constant wakings.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
3. My mood swings from depression to happiness or elation for no reason.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
4. I feel as though my partner and I don't communicate well with one another.
Not in a relationship
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
5. I eat more than I should.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
6. I enjoy spending time playing a computer or online game more than I enjoy most everything else in my life.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
7. My hands sometime shake or I have uncomfortable feelings in my stomach.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
8. People sometimes think that I'm unstable or unreliable.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
9. I have poor self-esteem.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
10. I often feel that I don't play any useful part in life.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
I recently experienced the loss of a loved one.
Yes, within the past 3 months
Yes, over 3 months ago
12. I have thought about ending my life.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
13. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by distractions or thoughts that I can't seem to control.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
14. I prefer not to do anything without my partner being by my side.
Not in a relationship
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
15. I am easily tired.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
16. I have tried cutting back on my Internet use, gambling, pornography, game playing and/or TV watching and have been unsuccessful.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
17. I am afraid of a specific common object or situation that I can't explain.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
18. I often have disturbing dreams or recollections about something that happened in my life.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
19. I hate the way I look.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
20. Somebody has been trying to harm me in some way.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
I recently experienced the loss of a close relationship or a divorce.
Yes, within the past 3 months
Yes, over 3 months ago
22. I have little to no interest in things that I used to enjoy.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
23. I am distressed by the way my life is going.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
24. I feel stuck or trapped in my current relationship.
Not in a relationship
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
25. I have an existing physical condition, disability or disease.
Yes, but it's something recent (within the past year)
Yes, it's something I've lived with for over a year
26. I gamble more than I should.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
27. I avoid situations where I might encounter a specific common object or situation.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
28. I avoid any situation where I may be reminded of a past disturbing or traumatic event.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
29. When I eat or look in the mirror, I feel bad about myself.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
30. I am more important than anyone realizes.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
31. I recently lost my job.
Yes, within the past 3 months
Yes, over 3 months ago
32. I often cry for no reason.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
33. My feelings or behaviors are interfering with work, school, friendships or my relationship.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
34. My drinking or drug use has led to legal, work, study or relationship problems.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
35. I am currently in treatment for a physical condition.
Yes, but it's something recent (within the past year)
Yes, it's something I've lived with for over a year
36. My gambling has led to significant problems in my life.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
37. I am easily frightened.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
38. I sometimes feel anxious or upset when something reminds me of a past traumatic or disturbing event.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
39. I often eat more than I intended.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
40. I sometimes hear or see things that others don't hear or see.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
I handle stress well.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
42. I cannot concentrate or focus on things as I used to.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
43. I have little or no desire to engage in sexual activity, although I once did.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
44. My attempts to cut back on my drinking or drug use have been unsuccessful.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
45. I am currently in treatment for something other than a physical condition.
Yes, but it's something recent (within the past year)
Yes, it's something I've lived with for over a year
46. I feel tense, nervous or worried most of the time.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
47. I worry or obsess about certain things all the time.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
48. I don't feel very good about myself.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
49. I sometimes vomit after I eat.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
50. Even though I know it's unusual, sometimes I think others are interfering with my thoughts.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
I have many friends.
Just a few close ones
52. I have a lot of difficulty making decisions that used to come easily to me.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
53. I find it difficult or impossible to become sexually aroused or to have an orgasm.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
54. I often enjoy drinking or drug binges.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
55. I smoke more than I should.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
56. I have panic attacks or times when I have trouble breathing.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
57. I can't stop thinking about all the worries in my head.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
58. I believe that I will fail at almost everything I try.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
59. I don't eat the way I used to.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
60. Others are out to get me.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
61. I talk/IM/email at least once a day to a friend or family member.
62. Sometimes I take very big risks in my life without thinking about the consequences.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
63. Society wouldn't understand my special sexual needs or desires.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
64. I take more prescription drugs than my doctor knows about.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
65. I've tried quitting smoking, but have been unsuccessful.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
66. I avoid almost all social situations.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
67. I feel compelled and can't stop performing certain actions or rituals.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
68. I prefer others tell me what to do than to do things on my own.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
69. I see the world in black and white, with very little shades of gray.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
70. Sometimes I say or do things that later I don't remember.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
71. I exercise at least twice a week.
72. Sometimes I feel very happy, elated or full of energy for no reason.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
73. I often use sex as a means to get other things that I want or need.
Not in a relationship
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
74. I take other people's prescription drugs.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
75. I watch television more than I should.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
76. I rarely leave my house or apartment.
No, I come and go as I please
Yes, but it's something recent (within the past 3 months)
Yes, it's something I've lived with for over 3 months
77. My worries, obsessions or compulsions really complicate my life.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
78. I don't like to do things on my own.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
79. Other people are either for or against me.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
80. I often lose track of time.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
81. I feel unhappy, sad or worthless.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
82. I feel out of control.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
83. I am distressed or overwhelmed by my current relationship.
Not in a relationship
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
84. I spend a great deal of my time trying to get more drugs or thinking about getting more drugs.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
85. I regularly spend more time on the Internet than I intend.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
86. I feel uncomfortable talking with others.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
87. My impulsiveness has sometimes caused me a great deal of trouble or pain.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
88. I believe I am ugly.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
89. I often feel empty or that my life has little meaning.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time
90. I can't always account for where I've been during the day.
Not at all
Just a little
Quite a lot
Nearly all the time