Conscientious Objector
I have large respect for our military, and anyone that goes off to fight for a cause.Updated 3 years ago
I think I am now too old. If I am/was every drafted:
Foot Shooting
- Marry (Anyone)
- Join a Religion (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mennonites, Amish, Quakers)
- Claim to be Gay
- Adopt a Child
- Flee The Country
- Foot-Shooting Party
I am sick of hearing people say "There is no Draft in Canada", or "You are too old to get Drafted".
But that is because we are in peace-time. Things change overnight.Gay Marriage
Chris Rock on Gays in Military:
Everybody says, "Don't let them in." If [homosexuals] want to fight, let 'em fight, 'cause I ain't fighting!I wouldn't give a fuck if I saw a Russian tank on Flatbush Avenue.
I'm not shooting nobody!
So call me a faggot.
When the war is over,
l'll be the faggot with two legs, thank you.