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All 95 Guessing Games:
Selected Game: Guess the TV or Movie by Robot #2:
Buy His Posters, Puzzles and Shirts @ Jim'll Paint it!
- Iron Giant
- iRobot
- BiCentenial Man
- Megaman
- Ex Machina
- Ed 209 - Robobop
- Optimus Prime - Transformers
- Gort - The Day the Earth Stood Still
- GERTY - Moon
- Leon Kowalski - Blade Runner
- Astro Boy
- Ash - Alien
- Bishop 341-B - Alien
- B-9 - Lost in Space
- Robby the Robot - Forbidden Planet
- SICO - Rocky IV
- The Gunslinger - Westworld
- Maschinenmensch - Metropolis
- FemBot - Austin Powers
- C3PO- Star Wars
- Data - Star Trek
- Kryten - Red Dwarf
- T-800 Terminator
- Bender - Futurama
- Roy Batty - Blade Runner
- Pris - Blade Runner
- Butter Fetcher - Rick and Morty
- Wall-E
- Clank - Ratchet and Clank
- Johny Cab - Total Recall
- R2D2- Star Wars
- Sentry Turret - Portal
- Johnny-5 - Short Circuit
Guess the Movie- Future Round: In Progress! Help!
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HELP ADAM think of clues for these movies:
- Casper The Friendly Ghost
- Goodfellas
- Raging Bull
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