Debug Messages #120403 for publishRobertDowneyJr:
publishRobertDowneyJr.jpg(3050 x 2952px)
GET Variables:
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Building Regular Collage publishRobertDowneyJr
Going with Width
We are using columnCount: "5.0833333333333"And a Width: "600"
Line 2 SIZE:20
Collage Variables:
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[0] => Ian
[1] => Weird Science[1985]
[0] => Derek Lutz
[1] => Back to School[1986]
[0] => Charles Spencer Chaplin
[1] => Chaplin[1992]
[0] => Wayne Gale
[1] => Natural Born Killers[1994]
[0] => Royce
[1] => U.S. Marshals[1998]
[0] => Jerry Renfro
[1] => Bowfinger[1999]
[0] => Larry Paul
[1] => Ally McBeal[2000]
[0] => Pete Graham
[1] => Gothika[2003]
[0] => Harry Lockhart
[1] => Kiss Kiss Bang Bang[2005]
[0] => Dr. Kozak
[1] => The Shaggy Dog[2006]
[0] => Paul Avery
[1] => Zodiac[2007]
[0] => Kirk Lazarus
[1] => Tropic Thunder[2008]
[0] => Tony Stark
[1] => Iron Man[2008]
[0] => Sherlock Holmes
[1] => Sherlock Holmes[2009]
[0] => Peter Highman
[1] => Due Date[2010]
[0] => Dr. John Dolittle
[1] => Dolittle[2020]
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Does $thumbFileAndPath: "/images/collages/publishRobertDowneyJr.jpg" Exist?FALSE
Didn't have one, so making a Thumbnail
[0] => downeyIan
[1] => downeyDerek Lutz
[2] => downeyCharles Spencer Chaplin
[3] => downeyWayne Gale
[4] => downeyRoyce
[5] => downeyJerry Renfro
[6] => downeyLarry Paul
[7] => downeyPete Graham
[8] => downeyHarry Lockhart
[9] => downeyDr. Kozak
[10] => downeyPaul Avery
[11] => downeyKirk Lazarus
[12] => downeyTony Stark
[13] => downeySherlock Holmes
[14] => downeyPeter Highman
[15] => downeyDr. John Dolittle
Line 2: blue
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C:thisImageHeight already Set
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TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayDerek Lutz - Back to School[1986] -
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Line2= Back to School[1986]
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C:thisImageHeight already Set
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C:thisImageHeight already Set
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B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
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TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayRoyce - U.S. Marshals[1998] -
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Line2= U.S. Marshals[1998]
fontSizeToUse= 36
XX= 2529; YY= 663
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Line2= Bowfinger[1999]
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XX= 158; YY= 1395
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B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
thisImageWidth Mode AA: Already Set
Resize(500x500) to (600x600)@602, 758
TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayLarry Paul - Ally McBeal[2000] -
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Line2= Ally McBeal[2000]
fontSizeToUse= 36
XX= 744; YY= 1395
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C:thisImageHeight already Set
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Line2= Gothika[2003]
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XX= 1382; YY= 1395
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B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
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TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayHarry Lockhart - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang[2005] -
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Line2= Kiss Kiss Bang Bang[2005]
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Line2= The Shaggy Dog[2006]
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Line2= Zodiac[2007]
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XX= 187; YY= 2127
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B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
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TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayKirk Lazarus - Tropic Thunder[2008] -
Limiting "Kirk Lazarus" Font Size from 70 to 36
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Line2= Tropic Thunder[2008]
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XX= 715; YY= 2127
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B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
thisImageWidth Mode AA: Already Set
Resize(800x800) to (600x600)@1204, 1490
TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayTony Stark - Iron Man[2008] -
Limiting "Tony Stark" Font Size from 70 to 36
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Line2= Iron Man[2008]
fontSizeToUse= 36
XX= 1372; YY= 2127
width= 600; height= 600
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13=14==>downeySherlock Holmes
/themes/public/images/collages/misc/downeySherlock Holmes.jpg
B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
thisImageWidth Mode AA: Already Set
Resize(800x800) to (600x600)@1806, 1490
TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArraySherlock Holmes - Sherlock Holmes[2009] -
Limiting "Sherlock Holmes" Font Size from 70 to 36
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Line2= Sherlock Holmes[2009]
fontSizeToUse= 36
XX= 1902; YY= 2127
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14=15==>downeyPeter Highman
/themes/public/images/collages/misc/downeyPeter Highman.jpg
B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
thisImageWidth Mode AA: Already Set
Resize(800x800) to (600x600)@2408, 1490
TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayPeter Highman - Due Date[2010] -
Limiting "Peter Highman" Font Size from 70 to 36
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Line2= Due Date[2010]
fontSizeToUse= 36
XX= 2570; YY= 2127
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$boxForText= 595
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B:thisImageHeight= 600
C:thisImageHeight already Set
thisImageWidth Mode AA: Already Set
New Row @2092.maxLinesThisRow=2
Resize(800x800) to (600x600)@0, 2222
TitleMode:OverridingB: Is ArrayDr. John Dolittle - Dolittle[2020] -
Limiting "Dr. John Dolittle" Font Size from 70 to 36
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Line2= Dolittle[2020]
fontSizeToUse= 36
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END. While Loop
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<area shape="rect" target="_new" coords="1204,758,1804,1358" title=" Pete Graham" alt=" Pete Graham Gothika[2003] " href="/themes/public/images/collages/misc/downeyPete Graham.jpg">
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Resizing Height from 4000 to 2952
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